Sunday, February 15, 2009

Replacing Mortar In Rock Retaining Walls

pollution Italian is superior? Statistics

Apart from the speeches on the scale of bortle already mentioned in earlier that can not be applied in our country, especially for the simple fact that an expert observer of stars viariabili can see differences of about 0.1 magnitude the stars, I would spend two words on the difference of light pollution in countries like France Germany Spain and of course use.

E 'possible to ascertain done with the last article of the February issue of Sky & Telescope Tony Flanders, among other things, this is a podcast:

better understand why there a sky darker.

What immediately struck me more than anything was the performance with the draft as you see here of M31 in a telescope. The drawings are, respectively, from a hypothetical red zone, and even from the white area. The first thing that I was very suspicious is that they seem exaggerated or sottistimati, in the sense that it appears in the red zone, M31 seems to me more of a play for us from an observation area in yellow and that of the white area for us as it relates to an orange zone. Possible that the evaluation of the light pollution of cities is so different from ours?
do not need anyone to tell us milano clarification on what he sees from its center or around what is already in an area orange M31 is completely invisible except with the aid of binoculars.

What causes all this difference? That we can once again (I am referring to a political economic social comparison with other countries) we are always the losers? Reading the article carefully you can see the key points that help to better assess, for example with this sentence: population is 75% of ITS concetrated in a dozen metropolitan areas. If the country's population Were spread uniformly, the whole map
Would Probably the yellow colored

(75% of its population is concentrated in a dozen metropolitan areas. If the population in the country was evenly spread, the entire map would probably be colored yellow)

End of proof where the population is concentrated evenly from us? In the Po Valley of course! Another reality all Italian ...

What is the difference?
They will suffer large red or white areas but have in periferie di altrettante zone enormi grigie e blu mentre c'è da dire che le zone verdi essendo periferiche sono molto più circoscritte; noi invece abbiamo giallo ovunque e qualche piccola area verde, non contando il paio di uniche blu minuscole. 
Ancora una volta quindi abbiamo la situazione peggiore ingigantita pure da una cattiva gestione dell'illuminazione dedita esclusivamente allo spreco.

Nelle tecniche di osservazione nell'articolo cita benissimoche meglio è osservare dalle 23 in poi in quanto le persone SPENGONO le luci dei giardini e delle proprietà mentre da noi non solo sono accese tutta la notte ma vengono accese molto prima che diventi buio e spente molto dopo che c'è già luce al mattino!
Tra l'altro you just need to see legislation that requires hotels to keep emergency lights lit on each balcony and lights
course in the garden or parking.
phrases enough to define a reality that is all-Italian dedicated to the waste and the waste of energy and demonstrate that the battle
light pollution is just pure utopia, I would say more dedicated to the sale of lighting equipment, with the excuse that they are under and obviously more expensive. Another caste in the lighting industry in fact. Another fundamental

typical situation that we have not assoulutamente is the ability to observe nights free of moisture which leads to an increase of skyglow just happened and where we are becoming increasingly rare nights terse and transparent since the average humidity down to 60-70% at best. (Remember that in Namibia the humidity is only 8%)

then conclude with a gem

Always on the number of Sky & Telescope but this time in January, she read this sentence on page. 85:

Globe at Night (from which the initiative) will be Held from March 16-28, Which overlaps the international Earth Hour "lights out"!

More information here:

Once again we are taken for a ride! Si proprio così, visto che all'iniziativa aderiscono ben 62 Paesi!! Mentre da noi ci dannno il contentino con un iniziativa tipo M'illumino di meno tra l'altro TUTTA ITALIANA e pure totalmente inutile in quanto partita con il 13 febbraio che significa in presenza di luna piena o poco meno.

Un'altro schifo che devo riportare quindi vista invece la lodevole iniziativa di  Globe at Night di spegnere le luci sotto luna calante e luna nuova, in modo veramente così da apprezzare come giusto che sia il firmamento.

Adesso non so voi ma tra l'altro vi riporto cosa hanno spento da me nella zona dove abito, ovvero un bel nulla!

Sono le 18.40 e da casa mia non vedo spento nothing
the usual football pitch is on, inter alia, always turning the very first (14.00) to become warm because the bulbs will go off in time after midnight, near the park is on as usual at this time although there none (the boys end up playing after sunset) with automatic shut off at dawn, the greenhouse of the town in front of me had their headlights on to illuminate the block where obviously have ceased to work and stays on all night for fear of thieves , although the cemetery is closed off completely illuminated by sunrise he thieves for fear of satanic cults, tombs or whatever ... What off? hard to say maybe a church or monument lost in the middle of the city. Certainly not a couple more
I only regret that it could not consider whether tonight are on the ski slopes, but they are certainly brave for night owls, subject to there ...

Purpose dell'inziativa M'illumino Less:
join too citizen turning off the lights so we can illuminate the most beautiful squares in Italy!