Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Giro Fuse Helmet Ipod

Starmap Pro: field test!

10, 11 and 12 June I did a more thorough test of Starmap Pro . Place of trial: the field behind my house (waiting for the dark sky).
But first things first.

1) The preparation of the list. I made the list by looking at the Sky Atlas and choosing some objects. If you have NGC or IC using the search function in the internal catalog, or using the search function on the network that operates in the SIMBAD catalog and adding them to the list of favorites. Sometimes I gave look at the photos on SIMBAD. In the picture (click to enlarge) you see in Sky Atlas vdB126 and watch list (imported from SIMBAD). You can add any thing in the picture you see other exotic objects such Sh2-64, SN 1671, PN Na 1 exc. Just knowing the identity and the search function in Internet download all data, including the location of the object, which in effect becomes an object of Starmap Pro
This is the list made for the occasion:

NGC6229 , a globular cluster in Hercules from the parts of M92, but much smaller.
NGC5446, a galaxy in Bootes (just to see how it feels under a sky of the plains).
NGC5375, a galaxy in CNV.
M3 (at least a globular star show) a little 'hard to tracing.
NGC4565, galaxy in Coma Berenices cutting.
M63, the galaxy "sunflower" in CNV.
M94, another galaxy of 8.2 mv in CNV.
M99, the galaxy that I remember seeing the three spirals CR, mv 9.8.
M5, in other globle Snake.
M12 and M10 in Ophiuchus globular.
NGC6309 (Box Nebula), planetary in Ophiuchus.
NGC6572, another planet in Ophiuchus.
IC4565, open cluster in Ophiuchus.
NGC6426, a globular cluster in Ophiuchus 11.2 mv.

and then I decided to switch to more exotic things:

PN VV 171 (PK 038 +12.1), a 12th planet in Ophiuchus.
SN 1671, in Supernova Remnant Cefeo (questa mi è scappata, non volevo osservare in Cefeo).
Sh2-64, nebulosa a emissione fra Ofiuco e Scudo.
vdB 126, stella con nebulosa (quella in foto, cliccare per ingrandire).

e poi sono ritornato a oggetti più "normali":

NGC6823, ammasso aperto in Volpetta.
NGC6813, nebulosa in Volpetta.
NGC6834, ammasso aperto in Cigno.
NGC6842, planetaria in Volpetta.

Facendo la lista si ha l'impressione di avere tutto a portata di mano, tanto è facile inserire qualsiasi oggetto e importarlo. Bn presto ci si rende conto che è meglio fermarsi, perchè la lista è fin troppo lunga.

2) Sul campo ho voluto provare to target an object with the traditional system (enhanced map finder). Suffering .... should be around here ... a bit 'more about ... stelleina that there is but you should see this ..

3) Forget it. first object NGC 6229. The software offers a departure from beta Draconis. The aim beta draconis in a moment. It switches to the finder and you see the field around a beta. Wow is the same as in the finder vero.Il course shows a line drawn from beta and will end on 6229. Damn this is not in
seeker. Patience ... follow the stars along the line and hop hop hop ... the line ends. Just put the field stars as they appear in the thing. It goes to the eyepiece and BANG! E' là.

4) Trovare le planetarie con aspetto stellare è un gioco da ragazzi.Volendo si
fa star hopping anche all'oculare. Ho inserito in lista anche cose elusive: galsssiette che non si vedevano ma si riconoscevano i campi stellari.

5) Avendo l'attrezzo finisce che si prede appunti. Click e compare oggetto,
altezza, azimut ora e si è pronti con le note. Ovviamente si finisce per perdere un sacco di tempo a prendere note.

Ecco le mie note, nelle due sere:


22.23 NGC6229 Alt 66.17° Az 72.51° Granuloso 172x SQM 18.20 260x Nucleo con alone vagamente granuloso.
22.39 mv 4.8 (52 Her) Alt 68-09° Az 77.33 ° 52.40 °
22:52 NGC5446 Alt Az 201.56 is practically invisible. 23:23
mv 4.9 (Stable) Az Alt 78.30 ° 102.56 °
23:38 NGC5375 Alt Az 63.38 241.38 Vaga 86x
23:45 M3 Alt 59.40 ° Az 247.12 · Fixed 170x 260X (best) 360X.
00:05 M12 Az Alt 41.84 ° 167.50 ° star brightest resolved. Alone diaphanous. 172x best. 18.64 SQM. 00:25
NGC6572 Alt 45.60 ° 142.76 ° Small Az 260X 360X NNW elongated elliptical.
00:32 IC4665 Az Alt 47.55 ° 154.42 ° a few scattered stars 86x. 00:53 BSI
126 ° 52.38 Alt Az 114.62 only the star is visible. 12/06/2009 22:56

mv 4.7 (6U-Her) Az Alt 80.58 ° 81.94 ° 18.66 SQM.
23.09 NGC6229 Az Alt 75.43 ° 74.46 ° 260X granular core alone. 23:19
NGC4565 Alt Az 256.25 49.88 ° is visible elongated NE 172x 86x LPS filter useless.
23:34 M63 Sunflower Galaxy Az Alt 62.76 ° 276.32 ° core, faint elongated halo.
23:40 M94 Az Alt 57.05 ° 278.92 ° bright core and two concentric halos 130x. 23:53
Box Nebula Az Alt 29.59 ° 160.83 130x LPS filter is visible. 23:56
mv 4.9 (Stable) Az Alt 84.53 ° 129.46 ° 19.75 SQM


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