Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Holidays In The United Kingdom

Forget Bortle 1

In the photo up here I did the same type of survey done for the Peralba . This is a panoramic photo taken at 2.30 am on 23 August (same exposure parameters and the same processing mode - click to enlarge).
Conditions Weather was not favorable: south over the plain there were clouds all night and this is the best time (but you can still see some haze).
I scored major polluted areas. From East to West, we have:
Tomezzo, Udine and 60 km to 130 km. It 's interesting comparison with the same direction from Peralba Udine (75 km instead of 130). Three Peaks to the horizon is free and you can see more pollution, but at the same height as the light seems stronger this time, and since the distance is almost double the number may be assigned only to bad weather.
between Udine and Pordenone is the Friulian plain, which is not populated as much as the Venetian and it decreases the intensity of pollution. From Pordenone (75 km) on it is a succession of centers of the Veneto plain. Conegliano (80 km), Mestre-Venezia (125 km). In the same direction of Mestre is also Treviso (105 km) and Belluno (50 km, but perhaps less polluted than others). Moving to West lies Padua (135 km) and Vicenza (130 km). Between these two also the whole industrial piedmont (100km). Further west the lights in the direction of Verona (165 km) and Cortina (15 km). Cortina also in the same direction of Brescia (195 km). It also recognizes the light pollution of the Adige valley, over which runs from Trento (110 km) Bolzano (75 km). Even in Marebbe Val Badia (30 km) and Brunico (35 km) can be identified.
must be said that the photographs are much more sensitive eye and that is probably the best weather in all of this pollution is difficult to detect even with the camera, although you could see more intense Udine Peralba despite being far from .
naked eye in the south there was a glimmer barely perceptible, and even that did not disturb the dark adaptation.
Obviously if the horizon was covered up to about 10 ° -15 °, it might seem perfect. Just walk down a few hairpin to hide it, but it is obvious that descend to 200 m does not make the darkness overhead.
In a way, that was the zenith 21.55-21.60 on the Milky Way despite the unfavorable situation that bodes well. E 'is also evident that better so it's really hard to do. You should still get away from the plain, and perhaps the high Ahr valley could be a place to explore. Of course, (as the same maps of Cinzano say) if you go west you approach allla Adige valley, which already is being felt here. If you go over to the west, the south we have the plain Lombada, Udine and Milan is not certain. Eastward moving away from the Veneto plain, but Udine begins to be felt. The same has Udine Emberger Alm 80 km and 130-160 km in the Veneto plain. We do not know where to run! The comparison with the

Perlaba can not be conclusive, dato che le condizioni meteo erano chiaramente sfavorevoli questa volta alla Tre Cime.
Una osservazione da fare è anche che Auronzo e Misurina hanno tutto sommato un effetto limitato, se localmente il clima non è fosco. L'unica cosa che ha veramente senso fare qua è far spegnere il faro del Genzianella.
Se poi, anche tutto il Veneto fosse messo a norma e non inquinasse più, il risultato sarebbe che circa metà dell'inquinamento sparirebbe, ma resterebbe quello del Trentino e quello del Friuli.
L'inquinamento luminoso è un problema globale e andrebbe regolato a livello nazionale o Europeo. Almeno se vogliamo avere da qualche parte luoghi che possano aspirare a ridiventare Bortle 1. Per ora ce li sognamo.
Spero che in weather best light pollution can be confined to a few degrees (a little 'as you can imagine the picture of Peralba) and with a little' luck could not completely undermine the airglow also in the south .. that is to say that we have at least a real Bortle 2.


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