Friday, February 26, 2010

How Much Moneydo I Get On Jsa

KO for another month! 26/02/2010


TURIN, Feb. 26, 2010

Sign out Trezeguet and Amauri. It is not a change decided by the turnover, but a choice. Il quarto d’ora in campo contro l’Ajax è costato caro all’attaccante brasiliano, che starà fuori almeno 25 giorni per infortunio. Gli esami hanno evidenziato una distrazione di primo grado al tendine prossimale del bicipite femorale sinistro. Un’altra brutta tegola per Zaccheroni dopo lo stop di Gigi Buffon, che tornerà in campo tra un mese.  E’ ben il cinquantunesimo infortunio stagionale per i bianconeri.


Amauri infatti salterà Palermo, Fiorentina, Siena e Sampdoria in campionato, ma soprattutto non ci sarà per la doppia sfida di Europa League contro il Fulham. Un vero peccato per il brasiliano che aveva found the goal, the smile and hope to be convened by Marcello Lippi for the next World Cup in South Africa. Now the road to the national team seems more and more uphill.


Juve loses its second most prolific striker, but found Trezeguet, what has so far scored more than anyone. David Trezeguet is ready to take back the top of the holder, strong centers on eight of his 19 appearances. Juve is a virtue of necessity and returns the old: in the next month, the French striker will be paired down with Alessandro Del Piero, at least until fall Iaquinta, out at least another ten days.


A defending Juve after criticism of the past months we also consider Gigi Buffon. "Unfortunately, it is no surprise that Juve are unbeaten in six matches - ironically the number one - blue, we were accustomed to each other and the fact that you will surprise you and offensive. My injury? These things happen - says, turning serious - The important thing is that the team has passed the moment of profound crisis. " The arrival of Zac has restored confidence to the environment, but Buffon does not fly too high. "Seeing the distances that have been in the league than the third and second in the standings, you better look over their shoulders."

Manninger EXPLAINS

Despite the accident, the morale is still high in Vinovo. Alex Manninger will replace Buffon, another injured: "In the beginning I suffered a po'-Austrian review the race with Ajax -. I needed to get into the game, I missed an exit now, but has nothing to do even if the ball is different from what we use in the league, I was just a mistake - said to Sky Sports -. 24 It is not easy to keep concentration high during the first 10 minutes I needed to find myself, after the return of Buffon did not play from 5-6 weeks, but then the role of the goalkeeper is questo, gioca soltanto uno e l'altro deve farsi.


"Avevamo bisogno di un risultato così pulito, perché ci ripaga del lavoro tattico che facciamo durante la settimana e quando non subisci gol è sempre bello", spiega Manninger che poi si unisce al coro dei consensi per Alberto Zaccheroni, il tecnico che ha sostituito Ciro Ferrara e che sta rilanciando la squadra. "Da quando è arrivato, Zaccheroni ha dimostrato tanta qualità ed esperienza - sottolinea -. E' sempre molto calmo, organizzato e ha dimostrato di essere un mister di grande livello, in questo momento ne avevamo bisogno per ritrovare equilibri dentro e fuori il campo, with him we found our strength and our quality. "


"I'm not worried about the World Cup, is a stop for a month, so I have done wrong in the right time. It 's the second serious injury of the season? These things happen, but perhaps the Juve - joked the goalkeeper blue - should sell and buy a young goalie. " Yesterday came the qualification to the knockout stages of Champions League after a hard fought game that Diego wanted to play through, so much so nervous when it decided to replace Zaccheroni. "I have not spoken with Diego, I have not seen, but I think that there is no problem especially when a team like ours than a delicate moment and comes from a number of positive results. " Even a joke on the title race, according to Buffon can not choose again the anti-Inter: Milan and Rome can be bothersome, especially if Inter, the Nerazzurri will continue to have important commitments in Europe. "

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