Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mini Buggy Plans Free

The synthesis and the results of playing Champions League, Barcelona-Stuttgart 17/03/2010!


MILAN, March 17, 2010 - Three phenomena is haunting Europe, with individual scores from scary: Cristiano Ronaldo, Rooney and Messi . The first had to leave prematurely the Champions League, the English are great at compensating for the departure of the Portuguese from Manchester, the Argentine puts us more in the ability to win matches alone. Thirty-one goals in the season for Leo, the 21st of his career in the Champions League and 4-0 in Stuttgart on yet another demonstration to be unstoppable even with just a few meters available.

NEL NOME DI LEO - E' una sua accelerazione, partendo a destra e convergendo verso il centro, che apre la partita per il Barcellona. Azione personale chiusa al 14' da un sinistro potente sotto la traversa. E' un suo suggerimento per l'inserimento di Touré a chiudere di fatto il discorso qualificazione contro i tedeschi. Al 22' pesca Yaya in area, che serve al centro Pedro, per il secondo gol del Barça e il 17° della splendida stagione del gioiellino blaugrana. Ed è ancora Messi a chiudere sul 3-0, dopo un tacco di Alves: Messi si gira e colpisce col sinistro, Lehmann non è perfetto. Rispetto ad altre uscite, Messi agisce più al centro, e fa la differenza partendo da lì: un buon segnale anche for Maradona, who tends to deploy there, as a pure finisher.

Ibrahimovic, 65 'on the bench - Guardiola also denounce summer sending Ibrahimovic on the bench: the square in front of striker Henry, reclaimed the role in the league without Zlatan, and Pedro to complete the trident. Ibrahim, a day after Eto'o's goal, sits on 65 ', others do not feel his absence. Then go for Busquets, receives a good reception from the Camp Nou and sends the final goal for Bojan 4-0, with a bell'assist. The game quickly downhill helps Barca, who can use one of his best weapons, the possession, and runs very little risk. Great race Yaya Toure, usually Dani Alves on the right, positive Maxwell, who is taking advantage of the open spaces of the accident Abidal. When he loses his balance a bit Stuttgart ', here is a lesson on the art of the restart and use of bands (especially with Pedro): the Catalans always go well and there's dangerous to cross. In general, a performance at the perfect season, the last. For Inter, like all others, will do best of luck and try to avoid the champions in the quarterfinals.

Stuttgart "asphalt" - out of the Champions Stuttgart and can not even have too many regrets: the huge technical difference between the two formations. For a while 'Gross's team tries to cover up e cercare un episodio, i due gol fanno saltare il piano, ma non arrivano comunque rifornimenti per Pogrebnyak e Cacau (meglio Marica nella ripresa). Manifesta inferiorità e poche sortite in attacco: Molinaro prova qualche volte a salire, con tanta corsa, ma rifinisce male e in fase difensiva tiene poco Pedro.

LE QUALIFICATE AI QUARTI - Queste le squadre qualificate ai quarti di finale (sorteggio venerdì 20 a Nyon):
Arsenal, Bayern Monaco, Barcellona, Bordeaux, CSKA Mosca, Inter, Lione, Manchester United



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