Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How To Floor A Boat Jon Boat

Geological Survey-structural study of the altitude morfostruttura pyramidal Vesallo considerations and morphogenesis (App. reggiano)


Summary: Through the collection and processing of the elevation of the micro-card natural the exposure of the slope Charter, the Charter the inclination of the slope and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) has been possible to define the structure and elevation of morfostrutura recognize some forms due to the natural pattern of the slopes. The detection geological and structural correspondence of some outcrops near the pyramid morfostruttura showed how the morphology is controlled by both faults, and folds (stratigraphic structures plicate), as is found by two outcrops, the first placed on the side in north and the other on top of which houses the morfostruttura stratification.

morfostruttura The pyramidal Vesallo (Carpiteti, Reggio Emilia) is described by some authors ( ROMANO, 2009a; Corrado, 2009) as a form of man-made due to the remodeling of the slope from Part of populations old and lived in surrounding areas prior to the Etruscans. A previous study, describing them instead as a phenomenon linked to natural processes of erosion and selective chemical alteration along the main tectonic ( TOYS, 2010th ). More Italian pyramid morfostrutture southern Apennines are also described as a phenomenon of anthropogenic origin (ROMANO , 2009b; Barbadoro ), have been the subject of a recent study macroscopic, where they analyzed the morphology and geological structures through the analysis Photo satellite Google map ( TOYS, 2010b). The study proposes a "model denudazionale" straight for recession con variazione dell’inclinazione del versante ( BRANCACCIO e al., 1978; ) come modello genetico delle morfostrutture piramidali, che con tutta probabilità può essere esteso anche ad altri siti.

Tale studio ha come obiettivo quello di valutare il modello morfogenetico precedentemente descritto da BALOCCHI (2010a; 2010b ) e completarlo con i dati di campagna relativi allo studio dell’assetto altimetrico e delle principali strutture tettoniche.
Il rilevamento dell’assetto altimetrico con la realizzazione di carte tematiche ( Carta del microrilievo naturale , Carta dell’esposizione del versante , Carta dell’inclinazione del side, DEM) in order to describe the surface Circulation space topography and the main forms of the landscape.
The geological survey of the main structural-tectonic structures describe the structural setting of the area and any correspondence with the morfostruttura, confirming the hypothesis on the morphology control by tectonic structures.

The area under study from the geological point of view falls within the syncline Vetto-Carpineti ( Papania et al., 1987, De Nardi and al. 1991) and is characterized lithologically formations belonging to the Succession Epiligure (Bettelli and al. 1987) described below:
Ranzano formation (Fig. 1 and 2) is characterized by turbiditic origin of sedimentary bodies with lenticular to tabular geometry and depositional facies vary widely, from conglomerate to sandstone, arenaceous-pelitic and pelitic ( MARTELLI et al., 1998, and Papania al. 2002).
The lower contact of the training is mostly with the formation of the Marne di Monte Plan and is marked by the emergence of well-Arenac net levels, which are absent in the upper part of the formation underlying the formation of locally Ranzano can also support the underlying Ligurian units deformed. Often the contact with the Monte Piano Marl is discordant with a clear gap erosion ( Papania et al., 2002 ).
The contact with the perforation of the overlying marl Antognola is sharp and angular unconformity with a gap in biostratigraphy ( Fornaciari, 1982; Fregni & SANDWICHES, 1987, De Nardi and al. 1991).
The origin of the training environment of turbidite slope and basin with intercalations of submarine landslides. Age: Upper Eocene. - Lower Oligocene. (Priamboniano sup. - Rupel sup.). Formation of
Ranzano was divided into different States ( HAMMER et al., 1998; Papania et al., 2002 ) among which describes those represented in the study area (Fig. 1 and fig. 2):

  • member Varano dé Melegari (RAN3): Contact with the net, sometimes discordant, the Member Val Pessola, is covered in apparent continuity of sedimentation from the overlying formation Antonioli. The lithofacies are those pelitic-arenaceous and arenaceous-pelitic The layers range from thin to thick, sometimes very thick, with a geometry that can be both tabular and lenticular.
  • Member of Val Pessola (RAN2): lithofacies varies from arenaceous to pelitic-arenaceous-conglomerate, the layers are ranging from medium to very thick and is generally tabular geometry, while in the coarse-grained layers are present in lenticular form.

Training Plan of Marne di Monte (Fig. 1 and 2) consists of clayey marls and marly clays in thin layers and thin, bearing thin and lenticular whitish feldspathic sandstones of graded and rolled, lithologically similar to those that constitute the formation Loiano. The environment is attributable to the continental slope and deep basin, with sedimentation emipelagica order interspersed with turbidite deposits under distal. Age: Middle Eocene - Eocene sup. (Lutetian - Priamboniano) ( Papania et al., 2002 ).

Loiano Formation (Fig. 1 and 2) consists of siliciclastic sandstone bodies of quartz and feldspar-white, just cemented that are interbedded within the Monte Piano Marl (Bettelli and al., 1987; Papanice et al., 2002 ).

macroscopic analysis ( TOYS, 2010th ) were found two main systems of faults and a subbordinato:

  • System NE-SO: with an orientation di circa N50°/60° e denominato in letteratura scientifica come “sistema antiappenninico” perché taglia l’asse della catena appenninica in senso trasversale (fig. 2);
  • Sistema NO-SE: con una orientazione di circa N300° e denominato in letteratura scientifica come “sistema appenninico” perché è parallelo all’asse della catena appenninica (longitudinale; fig. 2);
  • Un ulteriore sistema di faglie (fig.2) subverticale e con direzione N30° con spiccate evidenze geomorfologiche che alla scala macroscopica rappresentano faglie secondarie subbordinate a quelle appenniniche è stata cartografata lungo il Fosso delle Coste ubicato morfostruttura west of the pyramid ( TOYS, 2010th ).
Suspension Height
morfostruttura The pyramid is located on a hill of height 587 m above mean sea level, and has a strong pyramid shape with a square base. Morfostruttura of the four sides of the pyramid, three (hips West, North and the East) are occupied by a dense forest cover, while the south side is used for agricultural crops and probably its morphology can be influenced by human practices. The elevation of
morfostruttura pyramidal structure under consideration is represented in C arta del microrilievo naturale (fig. 3), con equidistanza delle isoipse di 5 m. La carta è stata ricavata elaborando i dati provenienti da due fonti differenti. I primi sono stati ricavati dalla topografia alla scala 1:25000 ( GEOMEDIA, 2009 ), mentre i secondi sono stati acquisiti in campagna attraverso GPS portatile (waypoint in cordinate xyz), utilizzando i parametri geodetici descritti in Tab. 1. I dati ottenuti sono stati elaborati con procedura software mediante calcoli di interpolazione lineare.

Rielaborando la Carta del microrilievo naturale è stato possibile produrre diverse carte tematiche different depending on the characteristics that you wanted to describe.

Charter exposure of the slope (Fig. 4, superimposed on the Charter of the micro- natural ) describes the orientation of the slope through the contours and colors of the same exposure. This feature is the azimuthal angle between true north and the direction perpendicular to the contours of the surface topography represented in the Charter of the micro- natural , measured clockwise. The azimuthal angles are referred to the four main compass points as shown in Table 2 and further divided into classes of 20 ° each color (fig. 4).

Carta dell’inclinazione del versante (fig. 5; sovrapposta alla Carta del microrilievo naturale ): descrive l’inclinazione del versante attraverso delle isolinee e colori di uguale inclinazione. Tale caratteristica del versante viene espressa in gradi da 0° per indicare il versante orizzontale e 90° per indicare quello verticale, ed opportunamente suddiviso in classi di colore di 10° ciascuna (fig. 5). DEM o modello digitale delle altezze (dall’inglese: Digital Elevatin Model): rappresenta la distribuzione spaziale delle altezze del soil (Fig. 6). To better highlight the lay of the land has introduced a light source that simulates the sun's light on Earth's surface, creating an effect of three-dimensional view of the relief ( REICHENBACH et al., 1993; GIUSTI, 2001; CASTALDINI & TOYS, 2006).

Analyzing the elevation data of the natural Charter of the micro-data can be retrieved morfostruttura on the shape of a pyramid. As described by TOYS (2010) morfostruttura the pyramid has a base shaped like a square with sides facing north and west straight e ben definiti (lati certi), mentre il lato a est è in parte definito e tracciabile e in parte mal definito. Il lato a sud è mal definito e non tracciabile a causa delle pratiche agricole che condizionano la morfologia del versante. La quota altimetrica della base della morfostruttura di Vesallo è pressappoco coincidente con la curva di livello dei 555 m, e i lati sono quasi tutti ortogonali tra loro, ad eccezione del vertice posto a SE il quale non conserva l’ortogonalità a causa della presenza di un dosso con direzione NO-SE e ben visibile nella Carta del microrilievo naturale (fig. 3). Inoltre si può notare come al procedere dalla base verso la vetta (quota di 587 m), la morfostruttura non conservi un perimetro a forma square, but since dall'isoipsa of 570 m assumes a triangular shape with one hand extended in NW-SE off coincides with the previously described (Fig. 3).
Two creeks in the watershed areas marked by contour lines, one on the west side and one on the east, show how water runoff concentration were affected by the surface topography across the contour lines. The shape of
morfostruttura is well marked also in the exposure of the Charter side (Fig. 4), which shows the different places in four areas of morfostruttura pyramidal

  • Northern Exposure: on the field with color reddish-orange with azimuth angle 30 °.
  • position east: on the field with color-orange hue Rorro azimuthal angles 60 ° / 90 °.
  • position south: the field with the color green color with azimuth angle 180 ° / 210 °.
  • position west: the field with the colors blue colors with 300 ° azimuth angles.

The two areas north and east seem to belong to one sector can be interpreted as the same NE-facing slope (azimuth angle around 30 ° / 60 °) and cut in half by a bump to NE-SW direction. This surely must be off genesis linked to water runoff concentrated at the watershed areas that previously described for selective erosion has affected the side bringing out the bumps in NW-SE (main) and SW-NE (subject to above). The sides of the pyramid
morfostruttura rake varies from point to point from 20 ° to 40 ° tilt (Fig. 4).
The slope located on the west side shows a smooth surface and planar geometry as evidenced by the exposure of the slope Charter (Fig. 4) and a variable slope and distributed in groups according to height as shown the Charter of the inclination of the slope (Fig. 5):

  • lower range of tilt 10 ° / 20 °
  • midrange angle 30 °;
  • high-end angle 10 ° / 20 °.

The regularity of the middle class with azimuth angle of 300 degrees and inclination of 30 ° is classified as a "triangular space" ( TOYS, 2010th ) at a sub-vertical tectonic structure in the direction of N30 ° and remarkable geomorphological features to macroscopic scale ( TOYS, 2010th ) and then back to selective erosion ( Panizzi, 1995; BRANCACCIO et al., 1977, 1978; TOYS, 2010th; 2010b). In the low-end (at the base of the slope) there is an adjustment of the slope at an angle of 20 ° (Fig. 5) due to the deposition of sediments that come from high-end carried by runoff water (affecting the slope across the contour lines as shown by the two watershed areas) or by gravitational processes (falling debris from the side).

Spatial mesostrutturale
It 'campaign was conducted by the writer mesostrutturale detection structures tectonic in three outcrops (Fig. 7). Were measured with the attitude geological compass (direction and inclination) and the stratification of the main faults and fractures in order to describe the structural setting of the area and assess the relationship with the sides of the pyramid morfostruttura Vesallo.

Outcrop 1
This outcrop is found along the north side of the pyramid morfostruttura. Lithologically consists of the formation Ranzano (Member of Val Pessola described by Papania et al., 2002 ) characterized by alternating sandstones and mudstones divided into layers of varying thickness from centimeters to decimetre and report Sandstone / pelite much less than 1.

Structurally, it can be described as a multilayer (lithological alternations with competence and different thickness) ( JOHNSON, 1977, DAVIS & REYNOLDS, 1996; BETTELLA & Vannucci, 2003 ) consists of alternating sandstones with high competence and depth of expertise and mudstones and thinner. These are intensely deformed by two multilayer mesopieghe size metrics are classified as parallel (Class 1B) ( Ramsay & Huber, 1987 ). Of these folds can be describe the geometric structure in the direction and angle of the hinge (N226 ° -8 °) and the direction and angle of the axial plane (N250 ° -18 °), as anticlines lying horizontal (Fig. 8 and 9).

Outcrop 2
This outcrop is located at the top of the pyramid morfostruttura. Lithologically, it is also made by alternating sandstones and mudstones divided into layers of varying thickness (A / P much less than 1) belonging Formation of the Ranzano (Member of Val Pessola).
Even in this case can be described as structurally surfacing multilayer (see description outcrop 1) which has a LOCATION reversed direction and angle of N190 ° -60 ° (Fig. 10).

In both outcrops described above, were also measured respectively with two fault plane and direction of N260 ° -50 ° angle to the outcrop and a N160 ° -50 ° the outcrop 2 (Fig. 11). As far as regards the kinematics, the system in the direction N260 ° Exhibition separation of strata that indicates a relative motion of two blocks of normal fault, and you do not know kinematics of the system N160 °. In stereographic projection shows the two systems is married and likely belong to the same event is also relaxing described in other areas of the Northern Apennines ( TOYS, 2003).

Surfacing 3
This outcrop is located within walking distance of the pyramidal morfostruttura. Lithologically consists of the formation Loiano consists of a small bank of coarse-grained siliciclastic sandstone, very friable and fractured two major systems (kinematic indicators are not visible on the fault plane indicates the relative movement of the blocks): the first oriented with the direction and angle of 190 ° -40 ° N (parallel to the fault system Antiappennino) and the second oriented with direction and inclination of N120 ° -60 ° (parallel to the Apennine fault system, Fig. 12, 13).

mesostrutturali Comparing the data measured in outcrop can be seen as the main structures plicate (horizontal fold anticline - lying down) show the direction of the hinge line and stratification direction almost parallel to the west and east of morfostruttura (Fig. 8). Although this structure plicate should not have had a direct impact on the morphology, most likely the stratigraphic slightly affected the current shape of the hill. The two faults
dell'affioramento 1 and 2 are parallel to the north and south sides of morfostruttura. Even fractures measured nell'affioramento 3 (which saw the parallel with the fault systems could be Antiappennino Apennines and of the faults were found, although not on the surface kinematic indicators) show directions very close to the direction of the sides of the pyramid morfostruttura. In the Formation of Loiano you can see two main systems (as described above, fig. 12, 13) but only one of the two systems can be found in the Formation of Ranzano. In fact, the fracture system in the direction N120 century was also measured in the Formation of Ranzano and parallel to the north and south sides of morfostruttura. As for the system to the direction N190 °, no structures have been found in the same direction in the Formation of Ranzano, probably because the macro-structures with distinct geomorphological described by TOYS (2010th) mesostrutturali no evidence (at the scale dell'affioramento ) or such macrostructures represented by mesoscale fractures are also macroscopic fractures (For the principle of pumpellyite and al. 1894).

Conclusions The finding of a small outcrop on the summit of the hill (Fig. 10) which has a well-preserved stratification and in agreement with the data collected nell'affioramento 1, means that the phenomenon Vesallo pyramidal structure in the Province of Reggio Emilia is of natural origin ( TOYS, 2010th ). The altimeter data show evidence of ongoing processes of runoff likely to be accompanied by gravitational processes that regularize the low end of the slope with varying inclinations around 20 °. Thus, the genesis of morfostruttura pyramid is attributed to erosion and chemical weathering selective along the main tectonic structures ( TOYS, 2010th )

The regularity of the west slope (azimuth angle constant at about 300 ° and tilt 30 degrees throughout its length) is actually the result of the fault scarp retreat due to erosion and chemical weathering. Fault that does not present evidence to the mesoscopic scale geological and structural features but marked morphological characteristics to the macroscopic scale ( TOYS, 2010th ) presenting with sub-vertical structure of the plan and the direction of N30 ° (Fig. 2).
The model that describes the morphogenetic genesi di tale versante è rappresentato dal “modello denudazionale” per recessione rettilinea con variazione dell’inclinazione del versante ( BRANCACCIO e al., 1978; ripreso da BALOCCHI, 2010b ). Il versante è stato modellato da una serie di processi di alterazione chimica ed erosione fisica, in corrispondenza della principale struttura tettonica (con direzione N30°) portando all’arretramento del versante e alla sua riduzione di pendenza (impostandolo ad una inclinazione di 30°; BRANCACCIO e al., 1977; 1978; BALOCCHI, 2010b ). Successivamente alla base del versante è avvenuta una regolarizzazione del profilo con una inclinazione di 20° per l’accumulo di detrito from the upper part of the same side and transported by surface runoff or by gravitational processes (Fig. 14).

The two slopes north and south are the result of weathering processes and erosion along the two conjugate fault systems in the direction N260 ° and N160 ° -50 ° -50 ° (fig . 11) who find themselves in a persistent way in the formation Ranzano ( TOYS, 2010th ). The inclination of the fault plane along the NS direction is parallel to the slope (Fig. 15). Subsequently, the south side has been further shaped by the man through the practices agricole ha ulteriormente variato il profilo del versante.

Il fianco est sembra non essere interessato da faglie che condizionano la morfologia (ad eccezione dei sistemi di frattura nella formazione di Loiano a direzione N190°, che non si presentano all’interno della Formazione di Ranzano e pertanto non vengono considerate). Per questo fianco il modello morfogenetico, è da imputare alle acque di scorrimento superficiale che hano modellato il versante, attraverso la sua erosione della parte alta e sucessivamente alla deposizione nella parte bassa. La giacitura stratigrafica (le pieghe presentano una giacitura pressoché parallele al fianco est della morfostruttura; fig. 8) ha condizionando marginalmente la morfogenesi della collina (fig. 14).

Pertanto sia le strutture tettoniche fragili (faglie e fratture) sia le strutture plicative (pieghe) hanno influenzato il modellamento dei versanti da parte dei processi di erosione e alterazione chimica. Tale modello genetico può essere riportato anche ad altre morfostrutture piramidali essendo che il confronto dei dati macroscopici e mesoscopici fa presumere la sua validità ( BALOCCHI, 2010a; 2010b ).


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