Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Whats A Good Medieval Game

happy hour at corte Radisi

's over the age of Boca Barranca.
The summers spent listening to good music regardless of the abbot.
Pleasure was to dance until the morning, walking barefoot and drunk with blacks, consumed with a sense of infinite freedom.
That sense of freedom that comes in special places, where there are no differences of any kind. No matter if you're white, red, a Muslim, in costume, no one is watching you all escape from their minds for a night and feel light.
It would take so many places, maybe not.
It 's nice to know that there has been and will not be repeated easily, that's what makes it magic.

Last night, at Court Radis seemed that the feeling had returned.
I hope will relive those moments with the same people of that famous journey and why not, by the way I hope to find something special again.

dress: Casanita
belt: Zara
tights: H&M
cardigan: Zara
shoes: Zara
bag: Louis Vuitton


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