Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prepaid Phone Card Recording

Training ... uphill! Foul

La salita come mezzo di allenamento condizionale

La corsa in salita costituisce un mezzo d’allenamento classico, largamente utilizzato nel mondo sportivo. Le salite in effetti sono estremamente utili per il miglioramento sia delle capacità di forza che di quelle della resistenza organica; per questo motivo, seppur con diverse modalità esecutive e programmatiche, trovano a large place in their disciplines ranging from athletics, football, tennis etc. and therefore, according to their mode execution, may be counted as part of the training of the resistance (organic and special), strength (explosive force ) and speed.


"E 'physiological capacity that allows the execution of technical skills at high speed for the entire performance" (Wood 1997).
The hill climb has been particularly effective for the training of special strength. As illustrated by the research Keul (1975) and Nurmekiwi (1975), this form of training is stressed in an especially intensive metabolism of carbohydrates and, therefore, a distance of 150 meters (and high intensity) you climb higher lactic acid and then a greater degree of blood acidosis that in a race in the 400 meters.

the explosive force
"The explosive force includes the ability of the neuro-muscular system to move the body and its parts or objects as fast as possible" (J. Weineck 2001). With the uphill sprint
is therefore possible to train explosive power, that is the specific force that serves to 'athlete to make an shooting **. To train this type of force is necessary for the ascent specified features: adequate slope (10 - 15%), maximum distance of 20 meters, work time between 2 "and 4" and above intensity limit (which corresponds to the provision in up a "slower than the same performance on the same distance in the plan) for the recruitment of fast fibers.
In this method of 'training course there are principles to be followed, as the athlete subjected to such work to increase the explosive force, will need to complete recovery between the different repetitions in such a way that proves to be the next sprint faster and effective as the previous one, otherwise we will not mention the most damaging to the energy reserves necessary to provide as much energy in a short time (CP) and glucose prerequisite exercises on force.
studies made by Prof. Gian Nicola Bisciotti, inter alia, reaffirm the steepness of the climbs as affecting the power generated by 'athlete at the time of the sprint:

Study conducted at the Laboratory "Entrainement et performance' of the University of Lyon.

E 'visible as the average power increases with the increase in the percentage of the climb up to a maximum at an incline of 26% and further decreases

In fact, this study showed that the maximum development of power during a sprint uphill records made when the percentage rises to 26%, then the slope would be technically perfect were it not that the mechanics of these slopes during the race sprint is changed considerably. From all this it is clear then that the slope is ideal for training with explosive power sprints uphill is a good compromise between expressive power and accuracy of the mechanics of the race. **
while shooting the athlete uses two types of strength: the strength and the initial acceleration.

aerobic power
"The maximum aerobic power is the amount O2 max values \u200b\u200bthat is used in ceilings "(Di Prampero).
At certain times of the season, as during the preparation, repeated in slope (RS) find their rational use of the means used for increasing aerobic power. In particular it allows to focus not only on the central mechanism for the adaptive increase in aerobic power, even on those established by the increase in peripheral muscle strength-endurance in the lower limbs. To schedule a training session based on the RS must refer to the time taken on the same distance, but were made up.

slope of the gradient index rose

5% - 1.1%
6 - 7
1.2% - 1.3
8% - 10%
1.4 - 1.5
12% - 14%
1.6 - 1.8
16% - 2.0
18% - 20%
2.5 - 3.0

To ensure therefore that there is correlation between the energy expenditure of the race uphill with that in level one must follow the gradient index (IP) as shown in the table opposite (Prof. Bisciotti).
Thus, for example, it is easy to "calculate" like a repeating over 1000 meters on a slope 10% is equivalent to running 1,500 meters in plan.
1000 m (distance to go uphill) x 1.5 (IP) = 1500 m (distance from floor to make

Turning to the problems inherent in the time required to travel a certain distance always must return to 'IP to do if repeated on a 1000 m (flat) and a time of 4 '(so I run at a speed of 15 km / h), and I want to bring this work always on a climb of 10%, the time that I will use to cover this distance will be 6 '. Since:
15 km / h (speed of repeated floor): 1.5 (IP) = 10 km / h (ie 6') Where
then a session aimed at improving of aerobic power in which the load will fluctuate between 5000 m and 6000 m must be taken into account that to be able to complete the workload of the session you can choose to do between 6 repeated from 1000 m in plan to do in 4 '(in this case) or 4 repeated, again from 1000 meters, on a climb of 10% to be made in 6 '(also in this case).
Of course this is a session of aerobic power in which the heart rate should settle between the '85% and 95% of maximum heart rate of each athlete, the recovery is to be programmed individually for each subject with the same re-start when the heart rate reaches values \u200b\u200bof 'around 65%.

"Speed \u200b\u200bis a quality very complex, to which belong not only the ability to act and react quickly, but also the starting and running fast, and stop shooting" (J Weineck . 2001).
The training aimed to develop improved capacity and speed is of part of the methodology paid to the ability conditional role very sensitive, both from a programmatic point of view that application.
Without going into specific details of planning your training for running speed, however, we can outline at least four fondamentali su cui quest’ultimo si basa:
- perfezionamento tecnico della biomeccanica di corsa
- aumento della capacità di forza rapida della componente contrattile della muscolatura impegnata nell’ azione di sprint
- aumento della capacità di resistenza alla forza rapida della componente contrattile della muscolatura impegnata biomeccanicamente nell’azione di corsa nel caso di velocità prolungata
- ottimizzazione dell’accumulo e della restituzione di energia elastica da parte della componente elastica seriale della muscolatura direttamente coinvolta nella dinamica del gesto.
Data la complessità e la delicata interazione esistente tra questi diversi fattori, non possiamo semplicemente pensare that an increase in travel speed can be achieved only through the simple repetition of training sessions based on recurrence of stroke gesture made to the speed limit, on the contrary, the constant repetition of this method can easily cause a flattening of the increase in the same speed .
One of the best, "safeguards" for the athlete in order to avoid this risk is to diversify training techniques appropriately planned according to the annual planning *. *
in many sports it is difficult now to speak of as the annual planning meeting or the games are becoming more frequent and thus a preparer must be held periodically physiological responses of its athletes and modify the training program based on fatigue, injuries and commitments.

In this respect we can distinguish two main groups of methodological exercises specific
- assisted method: that a whole range of different technical solutions through exercises that allow the execution of sections of supramaximal running speed. These exercises allow both an increase in frequency and size of the steps (Mero and Komi 1986, Komi and Mero 1990.), Which electromyographic activity (Dietz et al. 1979, Komi 1983.) And the storage of elastic energy ( Ito et al. 1983, Mero et al. 1987, Mero and Komi 1987). This methodology is based on the assumption that the physiological and biomechanical obtainable through such exercises can then be transferred to the natural situation. The method
Resistive through which one seeks to optimize the capacity of maximum strength and explosive strength that will form the basis on which all grafted specific exercises aimed at maximizing the performance of sprint (Schmidtdbleicher 1985, Anderson and Kearney 1982; Atha 1981, Berger 1962 a, b.). The resistive exercises commonly used in the method are carried out in various ways towing, running water or sand and hill running.
Activation muscle in the sprint
One of the biomechanical problems of the uphill sprint is the fact of having to overcome the inertia of the body especially in the acceleration phase, usually identified in the first 30 meters, going to increase the strain on the knee extensor muscles and also by decreasing the step size and increasing the time of support (Kaufmann and Kunz 1981). Particular attention should be given then by the athlete in order to maximize the amplitude of the race.
In terms of muscle at this stage are actively involved in the extensors of the hip, the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, and the knee, the semitendinosus, the semimembranosus, il quadricipite femorale, il gastrocnemio ed il soleo (Chu e Korchemny 1989).
In effetti analizzando attentamente la biomeccanica dello sprint, possiamo notare come sia necessario ridurre la caduta del centro di massa dell’atleta nella fase eccentrica del movimento, ossia nella fase immediatamente successiva all’appoggio del piede al suolo : questa limitazione della caduta del centro di massa è ottenibile attraverso una forte azione eccentrica della muscolatura estensoria; tale limitazione permetterebbe una minore ampiezza del ciclo di allungamento muscolare favorendo in tal modo un aumento dello stoccaggio di energia elastica ed un susseguente potenziamento della fase concentrica di spinta (Chu e Korchemny 1989; Bosco 1997; Asmussen Bonde and Peterson 1974; Cavagna 1977). In this
resistive exercise is therefore placed as a specific type of exercise for increasing production of force by the hip and knee extensor muscles, which in turn have a positive impact on the maximum running speed is acceleration of that race launched.
How to calculate the slope of the hill
The best way to calculate the slope of a hill, in the absence of suitable and specific as the "theodolite", is to measure the stretch of the climb that will be used, for example 30 meters, the end of which the height should be calculated from the starting point a quello di arrivo con un altimetro ( per esempio 4 mt ). Fatto ciò si esegue un rapido calcolo:
4 mt ( altezza della salita ) : 30 mt ( i metri da utilizzare ) x 100 = 13,3%
Naturalmente dovremo preoccuparsi che tale salita presenti pendenze uniformi e terreno adeguato.
La pendenza della salita diventa fondamentale per l’allenamento poiché “un’eccessiva diminuzione della componente verticale comporterebbe infatti una marcata riduzione della fase di volo che causerebbe a sua volta una diminuzione nell’immagazzinamento e nella restituzione di energia elastica durante la fase stiramento-accorciamento (Bosco 1997)”.
Vantaggi e svantaggi dell’allenamento in salita
Da point of view it is interesting to note that the trauma biomechanics of running uphill than that of the race plan preserves more muscle in back of the thigh, in fact during the sprint has a lower pitch than the opening sprint on the flat since each Next support comes at a point higher than the previous thus excluding a part of the downward and constrain the possible risks to the back of the thigh muscles (Arcelli, Ferretti, 1993). A careful and precise quantification of training load is one of the parameters most important in planning your training, then the possibility of being able to quantify exactly one important aspect of training to speed or aerobic capacity certainly plays some importance especially for planning work aimed at high-profile athletes racing. Unfortunately
not always so easy to have climbed the slope and the desired length for the type of training to be carried out also for all the athletes who suffer from Achilles' tendon that means of exercise is contraindicated.

Author: Dr. Riccardo Santi


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