Monday, January 11, 2010

Dezin Wood Tech Decks

completely overwhelmed by Milan Juventus: 0-3! 11/01/2010


TORINO, January 10, 2010 - It 's anti Inter Milan. Now it's official: after the first direct confrontation between antagonistic beat Juventus 3-0 in Turin, with goals from Nesta and two goals from Ronaldinho. He manages the game from the team that knows what he wants, reducing risks to a minimum, using the pieces and growing at a distance, without ever forcing the pace. But more than enough against a Juve increasingly looking for an identity, and perhaps a new coach. Ferrara is hanging by a thread, the Juventus board of directors had given him two games to lift the team: he arrived in Parma suffered a success, but today a misstep, heavy as it is completed, ie after a lackluster performance and unconvincing. And Wednesday, the Italian Cup, arrives in Turin, Napoli, playing inside-out that is giving away a goal of the season. For the Bianconeri are also environmental problems in perspective: the public, in despair, in the second half has attaccato giocatori, allenatore e società.

Gara tattica — Il primo tempo è molto tattico. Le squadre si studiano, e limitano i rischi al minimo. Poco gioco, e interrotto dai frequenti falli. La Juve è solida, ma in mezzo fa una fatica di Ercole a produrre gioco con la coppia di mediani Felipe Melo-Poulsen. Diego, pericoloso con un destro appena a lato, si muove molto: prova a cucire centrocampo e attacco, ma Amauri davanti è spesso anticipato dalla coppia Thiago Silva-Nesta. Il Milan è sornione: in mezzo Ambrosini si traveste da raccattapalle, sono quasi tutte sue, in avanti Borriello gioca di sponda. I più pericolosi sono però i difensori, e se Thiago Silva ci prova invano dalla distanza, Nesta is the advantage on corner.

goals Nesta - Pirlo kicks from the left, Melo hole at the far post defender Roman leans into an empty net. AC Milan forward. And now with the tactical picture in his favor, and space to test the break. The Rossoneri are still dangerous with Ronaldinho's head (!) On dead-ball and keep at bay without suffering any comeback aspirations of black and white that does not go beyond a right Chiellini melee: Dida saved in two steps. The range is 1-0 AC Milan, who did not enchanted, but was able to do more, especially scoring. The public Olimpico, cold and shock, calls for the entry of Del Piero.

Ferrara change - In the second start of the vehement Juve, but only dangerous in melee. The public complains: can not see the game and conviction. 15 'Del Piero enter, exit Salihamidzic. Juve more offensive, there is no time to stall. Two minutes later, Poulsen also released, but on a stretcher, injured. Yet another black and white ko.Dentro De Ceglie, who places on the left wing of midfield, with Diego that starts from the opposite side, where you lose it, defilatissimo. But what never changes is the attitude of unease that the Bianconeri, who are unable to remedy the flaws of the maneuver.

CLOSE Dinh - Milan then begins to dare. It grows, it takes courage and field. He realizes that he can close the accounts. It still does free-kick. Pirlo's corner from the left, Ronaldinho goes head to a deflection of De Ceglie not give a chance to Manninger always unsafe tonight. 2-0 Milan. That in the final ramp, even with Ronaldinho, still action on the corner. Rossoneri to -8 from the interaction with a game in hand, Juve crisis in black. Too bad to be true.



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