Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can My Laptop Play Strategy Games

Candra from none to man! 17/11/2009


PESCARA, November 14, 2009 - Candreva, who was he? It will not be known as the Don Carneades Abbondio of Manzoni, but the 22-year-old Roman, who will make his debut tonight against the Netherlands national team, is a mysterious subject for many fans, and even for some experts. Try to draw the identikit, and see why Lippi granted him immediate confidence.

DAWN OF A BLUE - Antonio grew up in the youth of Lodi, then made his debut in Serie B with Ternana, 2004-05 season. Ends up in the crosshairs of a society that young people can often find them interesting at first, Udinese, which debuted in Serie A, even against Inter, the January 27, 2008. But scores only 10 'in three league games in which he sets foot on the field. In the meantime, she continues drawing in all the youth representative blue. Join the Beijing Olympics at the last minute, instead of Rocchi, injured last minute. To find continuity of use is on loan to Livorno in Serie B. In Tuscany, played a good season, but not loud, in Livorno. At the end of which won promotion to Serie A, but skip the final two of the playoffs to play the final stage of European Under-21 ". This year, more in Livorno - with right to repurchase the loan - the bang. Intended as a breakthrough.

cadrete — La consacrazione arriva in una settimana. E se il debutto in massima serie è stato illustre, contro l’Inter, le partite che gli fanno guadagnare la ribalta sono nientemeno che contro Milan e Juventus. "Mi ha impressionato con il Milan - ha detto ieri Lippi - poi l’ho fatto seguire". Contro i rossoneri - il 12 settembre 2009 - gioca alla grande dunque, nonostante sulla maglia abbia scritto il nome sbagliato: Cadreva, e non Candreva. Lì, in quella partita, passa da signor nessuno a osservato speciale dell’Italia. Una settimana più tardi, il 19 settembre, il suo Livorno affonda a Torino con la Juventus: ne becca quattro, a zero, anche per colpa, guarda il caso, di un Buffon paratutto che is now back as his goalkeeper. But talent is confirmed Candreva interesting.

role and future - with an outstanding role: was born as a playmaker in the past played by a second striker and nell'Udinese out loud, but Livorno carousel inside left and even as a director, recently. Like many clubs: Zola, who has coached in the staff-21, I wanted to bring in England - said the newspaper side of the channel -. We'll see after this season if he will return to Udine or even soar to a first strip club in Italy. We'll see.

confidence lippi - certainly won the coach for the technical skills, jump man con facilità, ha piedi buoni, insomma è un centrocampista di qualità che il tecnico viareggino ha definito "completo", ma anche per la tranquillità fuori dal campo, il profilo basso. Anche nelle dichiarazioni. Alla Borghesiana, il giorno del raduno azzurro, ha dichiarato: "Una prima volta bellissima in azzurro, non me l’aspettavo, è un sogno che si avvera. Questa convocazione è un punto di partenza, ma non penso al Sudafrica".

i piani del c.t. — Ci pensa invece Lippi, che deve dare gli ultimi ritocchi al gruppo dei 23 che giocheranno il prossimo, imminente, Mondiale. Lui che in questi giorni ha ribadito l’apertura the new spreads, also, perhaps, to demonstrate that the exclusion of Cassano is an only child, and taking into account the particulars of the championship: "I really like young people today are children of the times. We can not think that young people now are equal to those of 20 or 30 years ago despite having no great example, young people are very mature. " Certainly few people that gave instant in time trust. All quality: De Rossi, Rossi and Marchisio. Now it Candreva.

Source: gazzetta.it


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