Monday, November 16, 2009

Arm Pain Followed By Fast Heart Beat

La sintesi e i risultati delle partite di Serie B! 16/11/2009.

LONDON, November 15, 2009 - Continue the swirl of names at the top of classifica di serie B. Nel pomeriggio c'era di nuovo l'Ancona, che ha regolato il Vicenza (2-0). Con in scia il Cesena che ha espugnato Mantova con Antonioli protagonista assoluto grazie a due rigori parati. Il Toro invece soffre il Piacenza del nuovo tecnico Ficcadenti e non va al di là dello 0-0. Tre punti in trasferta per il Gallipoli di Giannini che va a vincere a Cittadella.

ancona-vicenza 2-0 — Sessanta secondi netti. Tanto basta all'Ancona per fare due gol, tornare alla vittoria e riprendersi la leadership di questa serie B, in attesa del posticipo di stasera Lecce-Padova. Il ko di Crotone è già dimenticato. Salvioni contro il Vicenza chiedeva il necessario riscatto e così è stato. Anche se il Vicenza, at least initially, did a little 'suffer the Ancona. Maran was presented with the usual 4-3-1-2, but with two strikers (Bjelanovic and Sgrigna) very large, a bit 'to stop the possible advanced full-backs and dell'Ancona bit' to give a hint of unpredictability the incursions of Botta, attacking midfielder by trade. But the certainties of Vicenza have crumbled to 24 'and 25'. First hit Mastronunzio - not marked by October 27th - and then Miramontes. All within a minute. The Vicenza tried to back into the game, but could not. Even the replacement of Maran (in Fabiano, and Misuraca Sestu) have managed to change the course of events. Indeed in the second half the Ancona had opportunities to make even its richer booty with a wild Mastronunzio (Fortin and cross the said no). Deserved victory and the temporary record. The Ancona could not find a better way to introduce himself to what, in the city, is the game of the year: the derby with Ascoli, scheduled next Saturday at the Del Duca. (Matteo Massi)

lecce-Padova 2-1 - The first of Lecce is the signature of precious Giuseppe Vives. The median in the signature field 39 'of the second half of the winning goal comeback after a balanced Corvia (6 centers) to the goals of the Venetian Jidayi. The Giallorossi are enhanced in the first half: De Canio square the French playmaker Bergougnoux to obscure the source of the game of the Veneto Italian, which fails to give the pace of play. Lecce is exalted in attack inspired by the Alps and the racing Angelo. We think Agliardi to shut the door on shots by Angelo and Defendi, claiming a penalty kick (naivete Trevisan). The Padova wakes up with the gongs played by Rabito with a catapult that sends to 37 'pt the ball on the pole. The goals coming in the second half. The Padova Jidayj goes ahead with a shot from outside the area to 17 'st. Then missing with a doubling of the distance Di Nardo (Rosati deviates in angle). And 25 'st get the equalizer on a penalty kick Corvia (Defendi felled by Cesar, who takes his second yellow card and ejected). In overwhelming numbers, the Salento try doubling up the ball and become inactive hazardous with Giuliatto. But the seal of victory is signed with a shot from distance Vives, which consolidates the Lecce at the top with a strip of six results in a row (5 wins and a draw). For the Padua Sabatini is the second in the league after the defeat of Crotone. (Pasquale Marzotto).

citadel-gallipoli 1-2 - The Gallipoli conquer the "bingo", is slightly ahead of a fasting Citadel of wins for over a month. Both teams in emergency defense, the Citadel is missing the central pair Pesoli-Cherubin, but absent in Gallipoli Abbate and Franchini, but at least initially the grenade Foscarini who accuse the greater weight of absences. The Gallipoli, in fact, cause problems for the hosts early in the first minutes, and the advantage was not long in coming: the 13 'angle Scaglia and ball at the far post, Carter pulls Pallante, the referee is strict. Broom from the spot displaces Villanova. The Citadel suffers but he raised his head with every passing minute, and 26 'turn of Iunco finished just wide. Two minutes later Iunco is pushed in the area by Sosa, there seems to be a foul but the referee is playing. The rigor Calvarese the whistle at 39 'when Oliveira is tight in the area by two players on the ground and ruin: Curiale converted from the spot. The Gallipoli and almost no spring the advantage with Di Carmine, who committed to Villanova difficult to divert for a corner. From the corner of the bar, breaks sub-Ginestra and bags. In Gallipoli start shooting again in evidence: Manucci save on the shot line Di Carmine, on the conclusion of the rebated Villanova deviates Mancini. Ardelean's entry in the Citadel gives a little 'of liveliness in the attack, but only the stroke of a free-kick to Pettinari 19' engages Sciarrone. (Simone Prai)

mantua-Cesena 0-1 - Match the incredible Martelli. The Mantua literally dominates the first time the surprising pace at Cesena, building and wasting at least seven clear scoring chances, thanks to the vein Antonioli's (40 years) which, inter alia para rigor Carrus to 13 '. But then scoring with Horses, Locatelli (large parade Antonioli) twice and still Nassi Cavalli. The Cesena? Practically nothing in attack, he gritted his teeth coming to rest in distress. In the beginning recovery scenario seems the same with the hosts that overwhelm the guests but the 17 'Bucchi, in the field from a few minutes, he headed goal from open play from a corner. Gervasoni Two minutes later hit the post in the same melee and shortly after Bucchi is forced to go out for a muscle ailment. The Cesena was reorganized a bit 'stings and counterattack, but the press in search of Mantua tie. We test ancora Cavalli al 40’ ed in pieno recupero, tra il parapiglia generale, Velotto vede un altro rigore a favore del Mantova: stavolta va lo specialista Caridi ma Antonioli anche in questo caso chiude la porta e salva i tre punti per la sua squadra. (Alberto Sogliani)

modena-crotone 0-2 — Il Crotone si toglie dalle zone a rischio del fondo classifica grazie alla terza vittoria consecutiva sul campo di un Modena tradito dal nerovosismo, ma anche penalizzato dalla decisioni dell'arbitro Giancola di Vasto, che mostra un eccesso di protagonismo. Le reti tutte nella ripresa quando il Modena si è trovato in inferiorità numerica per l'espulsione di Diagouraga al 44' pt per doppia ammonizione. Prima è stato Mazzarani with a back-heel to open the scoring then Abruzzese was at 22 'to round the edge. Even more uphill road to Modena when the 39 'Pinardi, which came in place of White, was expelled for offenses directly to the referee. It is always about red cards, also expelled Apolloni and the team manager Montepietra house, at 32 'to protest. For the Modena is the third home defeat of the season. Without Bruno and Louise, the home gialloblù went close to scoring at 14 'when the header of a sure Girardi, Concepts saved his door with a miraculous intervention. Again, the dangerous striker at home to 21 'and once again secure the response of the goalkeeper. In the second half il Crotone, raramente insidioso nella prima parte, è passato subito in vantaggio, sfiorando il raddoppio con Petrilli (entrato al posto dell'infortunato Zito) e Morleo. Sul gol di Abruzzese partita praticamenete finita. Il Modena ha vivacemente protestato anche a fine partite nei confronti dell'arbitro. (Paolo Reggianini)

piacenza-torino 0-0 — Un Piacenza rigenerato dalla cura Ficcadenti sfiora l'impresa contro un Torino molle e prevedibile, che subisce per più di un'ora la maggiore rapidità e intraprendenza della squadra di casa, brava a restare corta e a tenere in mano il gioco. Piacenza vicino al gol nel primo tempo con Guerra (a lato da posizione felicissima) e ancora di più nella ripresa: Calderoni first free-kick through the small area and hit the post, Moscardelli try to surprise 40-yard Sereni that puts one foot in extremis, yet good on Sereni Parfait and 29 'Bini shot from a step without finding the door. Colantuono pasa to 4-3-3 and benefits before and then nearly Zoboli mock the young Ficcadenti. In the final Rivalta ejected for a second yellow card. (Paul Gentilotti)

Trieste-Ascoli 2-0 - the sixth consecutive helpful for Triestina under the guidance of Mario Somma: three wins at home, three draws away the budget from English media. But the success with the Ascoli was not as easy as the score indicated. Once you have committed il portiere alabardato in una difficile parata, con il palo a risolvere la situazione, l’Ascoli si è affossato con Marino, che atterrando in area Godeas ha provocato un rigore messo a segno dallo stesso Godeas. La reazione degli ospiti non si è fatta attendere, ma Agazzi è apparso insuperabile, alle spalle di una difesa già di per sé molto abile. Su calcio di punizione battuto con molta forza, Godeas ha visto successivamente il pallone stamparsi sul palo, e stessa fine ha fatto il suo tiro dal dischetto su altro rigore concesso dall’arbitro Celi per fallo su Stankovic da parte di Gazzola, espulso quale ultimo uomo. Situazione immutata nella ripresa, per l’assetto delle due squadre, ma l’Ascoli, pur ridotto in dieci, attacked very effectively to the decision by opposing actions of Trieste on the counterattack. Doubling is a bravura piece of Godeas, and on the ground after having fouled continued its concluding with a long lob from distance that surprised goalkeeper Frezzolini. Bays led the last assault on two fronts: the score is not changed. (Dante Ragogna)


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