Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ive Lost My Sims 2 Bon Voyage Disk

17/11/2009 Under 21 in Luxembourg Casiraghi, last call! 17/11/2009


LONDON, November 16, 2009 - Last call, last call for Pierluigi Casiraghi: Luxembourg is not alternative. We must win to continue to pursue a difficult comeback in the group, qualifying for the finals and with it the hope of the Olympiad 2012 in London. Also by winning, will other victories on the card more difficult, and some braking by the two fugitives, Wales and Hungary. But a different result would virtually end hopes of the word and also on the bluish-21 former striker on the bench for Juve, Lazio and Chelsea.


THE SITUATION - After the defeat against Hungary's situation is desperate Quai: In the last four games we should recover five or nine points on Hungarians over Wales (which has more than one race ). Everything to close at least seconds, and then hope for a repechage: considered twelve points (4 wins) in addition to the four current, one would arrive at 16. The repechage is not granted, but possible. After the Luxembourg there is only one away, in Bosnia, and the two big-match at home, with Hungary and Wales. Many accounts do, but they all go for the win tomorrow. Otherwise, by the race to succeed as coach of the Under. the federal president Giancarlo Abete has glissando today: "There's still tomorrow's match, the classification is difficult but not impossible." The main candidate to succeed is Francesco Rocca, ct-20 in Egypt also has played with Hungary (eight elevenths-21 that beat us were the same as the Under-20), leading to extra time with players ranking under various De Silvestri, Santon and Balotelli.

"head high" - Casiraghi, however, does not give up, despite the trip to Luxembourg is not a race for granted (Wales drew and Hungary have won just 1-0) and despite the many defections: six will be absent, with Balotelli disqualified, Frogley, Paloschi, Di Gennaro and Bellusci injured, and Poli affected. The coach raised: "I work with serenity and tranquility, consistent with my ideas and conscious of being able to watch all the eyes in his head high. Against Hungary we had a good game in some respects but bad in other ways. Needless to stay in recriminations, we analyzed the errors, but now we turn the page. Certo, mancano sei giocatori che sono fondamentali per questa squadra anche dal punto di vista dell'esperienza, in pratica il 60% della formazione base. Ma sono sicuro che i sostituti ce la metteranno tutta. Faremo la nostra partita e poi tireremo le somme".


Fonte: gazzetta.it


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