Friday, May 28, 2010

High Oxalates In Toddler

morfostrutture pyramid of Sant'Agata de 'Goti and surrounding areas. Geological Map of the Apennines between


-analisi macrostrutturale-

di Paolo Balocchi*

In questo breve studio si vogliono descrivere le considerazioni personali rispetto the description of some pyramids in southern Italy by the independent researcher Romano (2009) and Barbadoro.

This article is preferable to replace the term "pyramid" (Toys, 2010) the term "morfostruttura pyramid" because it expresses more of the genetic processes that led to their formation. In fact, it is believed that these morfostrutture pyramids are the result of tectonic processes and then the processes shaping the surface (chemical alteration and physical disintegration, together with those of the runoff) which produced the forms and the present landscape (Toys, 2010).

The study includes the following phases:
· Research bibliography of the major tectonic structures of the area of \u200b\u200bSant'Agata de 'Goti Benevento (Campania) and surrounding areas;
· Study of satellite photos taken from Google Maps to map the tectonic structures at the regional scale;
· Analysis of satellite imagery in 3D from Google Maps to map the "morfostrutture pyramid" and recognize the topography of the area with particular attention to morphotectonic (Brancaccio, 1977, 1978, Panizza, 1995).
This study aims to describe the processes of formation of "morfostrutture pyramid" in the territory of Sant'Agata de 'Goti and zone limitrofe, definendo una probabile ipotesi genetica plausibile con i dati geologici e geomorfologici ricavati dallo studio delle immagini satellitari di Google Maps.

Inquadramento geografico
Secondo quanto esposto dagli autori Romano, (2009) e Barbadoro la piramide presente a Sant’Agate de’ Goti si trova in corrispondenza della “collina Ariella” di altezza 348 m (a nord-ovest del M.te Traverso). Inoltre altre due piramidali si ritrovano a sud-est nei pressi del paese di Moiano (M.te Porrito, 380 m) e ancora più a sud-est nei pressi di Montesarchio. Una nuova piramide è stata rinvenuta nei pressi di Caiazzo (M.te Mesarinolo, 245 m), localizzata a nord-ovest rispetto il paese di Sant'Anna de 'Goti.Le pyramids described above are aligned along a direction (Romano, 2009) is clearly visible from satellite images (Google Maps), which show an actual alignment in a direction of 115 ° N (Fig. 1).

THE EXAMPLE OF Sant'Agata de 'Goti
The ares of study (Fig. 2) is characterized by north-west lithologies belonging to the Samnite units represented by sandstone , limestone and marl of Campoli, while in the south and west are lithologies belonging to the carbonate tectonic units of the Apennines, represented by Limestones Radiolaritidi (calciruditica in facies), and rudist Calciruditi orbitoline, Calacri with Requin and gastropods. There are also volcanic deposits belonging to Ignibrite Campana (Carannante C., Stanzione D.).

analysis of tectonic structures
In the paper the main tectonic features (Fig. 3) describes the major faults of a regional nature. A first fault system with sub-vertical plane and straight line shows a NE-SW (N 40/55 °) and a second system with NW-SE (N 120/130 degrees).
Through photo interpretation of satellite images of Google Maps with the 3D perspective view (Fig. 4) it was possible to detect the presence of other minor (Gelmini & Fazzini, 1982; Panizza, 1995; Toys, 2003) that preserve an approach similar to those mapped at the regional scale.

Analysis of Geomorphological
As for geomorphological aspects, the area under consideration shows a variety of forms related to different modeling agents. The forms include broad fluvial terraces probably of volcanic origin for the deposition of the Campanian Ignimbrite and then shaped and carved by surface water also forming along the edges of river embankments F. Isclero. The study correlated
satellite images and topographic maps (Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea) has mapped the course of the ridges. From the 3D model and paper forms (Fig. 4 and 5) we see that the trend of the ridge follows the main tectonic features.

The pyramid described by Romano (2009) (coordinates: N 41 ° 5 '51.10 "E 14 ° 31' 23:20" of GRW.) Is located at the top post to NO of Mt Traverso and called "hill Ariella" (348 m). It has a pyramid type structure with geometric rhombic regular basis. The slope of the hill inclinato con una pendenza regolare di circa 25/30°. Sono presenti forme antropiche come i terrazzamenti a scopo agricolo visibili sul versante nord e nello spigolo a nord una concava di escavazione per cava (Romano, 2009; Barbadoro).
Dall’analisi fotogeologica non si riscontrano superfici strutturali ben conservate quali faccette triangolari se non quella posta sul lato nord della morfostruttura piramidale (Brancaccio e al., 1977; 1978; Panizza, 1995; Panizza & Piacente, 1978; Ufimtsev, 1990; Balocchi, 2010;). Le poche “superfici relitte” (Panizza & Del Vecchio, 1982; Panizza, 1995; Brancaccio e al., 1978) presenti nell’area di studio si presentano con forma planare e regular, aligned with the main tectonic structures.

We describe below the structural-geological and geomorphological features of the remaining morfostrutture pyramid found in areas adjacent to that of Sant'Agata de 'Goti. These minor mostrostrutture have a poor state of repair due to an intense process of modeling by chemical and physical alteration.

Moiano ( N 41 ° 5 '27.70 "E 14 ° 32' 49.87" to GRW).
Geologically the area is characterized by limestones and limestones with gastropods and Requin to Radiolaritidi (in calciruditica facies). In south east are composed of volcanic deposits Ignibrite Campana (Fig. 6).
On the geological map is mapped with an alleged fault NW-SE.

analysis of satellite images, geo-morphological area has a number of debris cones in the portion to the north, while along the F. Isclero are many edges of the escarpment by erosion of volcanic deposits. The pyramid
morfostruttura (Monte Porro, 380 m) shows a cone-shaped ill-defined and not very evident (Fig. 7).

Montesarchio ( N 41 ° 2 '42.19 "E14 ° 40' 24.39" of GRW)
Geologically the area is characterized by deposits colluvial (Chiocchini & Hammer, in press).

morfostruttura The pyramid (279 m) shows a form ill-defined, probably due to leaching of surface deposits by the agents of weather and water runoff (Fig. 8), resulting in a smooth and corrugated morphology almost the surrounding area.

Caiazzo ( N 41 ° 9 '25.29 "E 14 ° 20' 43.05 of GRW)
Geologically the area is characterized by sandstones of Caiazzo and on the east side of Calciruditi rudist and orbitoline with a contact with the previous tectonic formation above (Fig. 9).

analysis satellite images, geo-morphological area has different types of fluvial origin as the edges of the escarpment along F. Volturno. The pyramid
morfostruttura (Mt Mesarinolo, 245 m) shows a regular conical shape, and on the north side of a valley excavating probably a form of anthropogenic (Fig. 10) due to the excavation pit.

The phenomenon of morfostruttura pyramidal Sant'Agata de 'Goti in the Province of Benevento (Campania) and surrounding areas is a natural phenomenon linked to the processes of erosion and chemical alteration along the selective major tectonic lines.

The data obtained from geological maps and photo interpretation show that the pyramidal structure with a rhombic base of the ridge and trends inherent in the small mountain range consisting of the peaks of Monte Guardia (439 m), Mt Traverso (365 m) and the "hill Ariella" (348 m), are set along the main tectonic and local to regional scale. On carbonate lithologies of the second type Brancaccio and alt. (1977, 1978), fault surfaces are set with an inclination close to the average of 30/40 ° tilt morfostruttura described by Romano (2009) and Barbadoro.
There were no significant surface triangular or trapezoidal because of the morphogenetic processes that have dismantled the original fault scarp slope and varying the generation of "relict surfaces" (Panizza & Del Vecchio, 1982; Panizza, 1995) planar angles of 25/30 degrees.
Some of the faults at the sides tend to preserve the flatness of the original with remarkable fidelity mirror fault. In our case the slopes of the mountains are studied on the main tectonic features, but do not preserve the original tilt mirror fault (subvertical). A series of erosion has shaped mirror fault until the reduction of the slope (the slope current setting of 25/30 ° inclination, and Brancaccio al. 1977, 1978; Toys, 2010) and leaving the base of the slope accumulation of debris (Fig. 11).

Although data on other pyramidal morfostrutture are few and far inconclusive, it is believed that the "denudation model (for straight-line recession with variation of the slope) describes the genetic hypothesis is consistent with the geological data, Structural and geomorphological derived from this study.

It is also considered useful, further study with a monitoring campaign mesostrutturale and geomorphology, in order to verify the consistency of the genetic model described above.


  • Toys
    P. (2003); mesostrutturale and macrostructural analysis of the structures present in the fragile unity of the group of emerging Bismantova Zocca eCastel D'Aiano (Appennino Modena and Bologna). Unpublished Thesis, Dept. of Earth Sc University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
  • Toys
    P. (2010), Birth of a pyramidal structure Vesallo - macrostructural analysis., pub. No 1. Available at Internet:
  • Barbadoro G. (Unknown) The pyramids of Benevento (Campania Italy). Available at Internet: .
  • Bosi C. (1975); Osservazioni preliminari su faglie probabilmente attive nell’Appennino centrale. Bol. Soc. Geol. It., 94, pp. 827-859.
  • Brancaccio L., Cinque A., Sgrosso I. (1977); Forma e genesi di alcuni versanti di faglia in rocce carbonatiche: il riscontro naturale di un modello teorico. Rend. Acc. Sc. F.M.S.N.S.L.A. Napoli, ser. 4, 46.
  • Brancaccio L., Cinque A., Sgrosso I. (1978); L’analisi morfologica dei versanti come strumento per la ricostruzione degli eventi neotettonici. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 19, pp. 621-626.
  • Carannante C., Stanzione D. (In press), F ° 431 "Caserta East" at the scale 1:50.000. Available at Internet: .
  • Cocchini U., Martelli G., (in press), F ° 432 "Benevento" a scale of 1:50,000. Available at Internet: .
  • Fazzini P, Gelmini R. (1982), Tectonics of the Northern Cross. Mem Soc Geol lt, 24, pp. 299-309.
  • Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea (unknown), National Cartographic Portal. IGMI mapping scale of 1:25.000. Available at Internet: .
  • Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (unknown), National Cartographic Portal. Cartography of grazing pressure. Available at Internet: .
  • Panizza M. (1995), Geomorphology. Pitagora Editrice Bologna.
  • Panizza M., Del Vecchio R. (1982); The "relict surfaces" Appennino Modena. CNR, PF Geodynamics, pubbl. 506.
  • Panizza M., Piacente S. (1978); Rapporti fra Geomorfologia e Neotettonica. Messa a punto concettuale. Geogr. Fis. Din. Quat., 1(2).
  • Romano L. B. (2009); Scoperta una ulteriore piramide in Italia… Vesallo a Reggio Emilia. Consultabile all’indirizzo internet: ;
  • Romano L. B. (2009); Santa Anna de’ Goti una seconda Visoko? Consultabile all’indirizzo internet: ;
  • Ufimtsev GF (1990); Morphotectonics of the Baikal rift zone (USSR). Geogr. Fis. Dyn. Quat., 13.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Whipper Snipper Propeller Heads

Vogherese Sagliano and Torrent stafora.

Geological APENNINE Vogherese

- geological survey of campaign - Toys

Paul Mazzoli Monica * * * Andrea Pivetti Gunel Rosenvik

* Graduates in Geology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia sweat

INTRODUCTION The purpose of the campaign survey, conducted between 4 and 8 June 2001, draws to deepen the study of this territorio approdando quindi a una piu’ dettagliata caratterizzazione geologica dell’area, rispetto a quanto non fosse gia’ noto in letteratura.
Abbiamo posto particolare attenzione all’interpretazione dell’intricato gioco di faglie che interessa la fascia a nord di Sagliano e alla ricerca di formazioni non individuate da precedenti lavori.

La cartina sottostante (fig. 1) illustra l’ubicazione dell’area studiata nei pressi di Varzi (PV).

Una notevole rottura di pendio identificata in gran parte da una scarpata di faglia, suddivide il territorio in due zone con caratteristiche completamente different. The area north of
Sagliano, characterized by competent lithologies, has a morphology remarkably steep and rugged, fully wooded .. The area south of the country, mainly clay with outcrops of lithologies very competent, has a sweet relief is often affected by active or dormant landslides. Vineyards and orchards, wheat fields or planted with grass are many in this' area suitable for agriculture. The valley floor and 'alluvial deposits affected by changing the competence of the river and terraced Staffora.

formations that we found correspond to emerge Sandstones M. Vallassa, Marne di M. Lumello, Brecce Argillose 2 e Marne di M. Piano, facenti parte della successione Epiligure; le Argille di Viano delle Liguridi. (per colonna stratigrafica ed eta’ vedi la legenda fig. 4).

Le Argille di Viano affiorano a nord-est di Ponte Crenna lungo una fascia con direzione est-ovest definita da due limiti tettonici che le mettono a contatto con le Brecce Argillose 2 sia a sud sia a nord. Tale striscia, come d’altronde tutta la zona circostante,e’ fortemente tettonizzata ,per cui non abbiamo riscontrato assetti della stratificazione con andamenti omogenei tra i vari affioramenti. La formazione , di natura torbiditica, si presenta prevalentemente costituita da argille scure. A volte sono presenti marne con layering a thin, gray and pink alternating with carbonate banks. The latter have a thickness of the order of decimeters and a fine grained sandstone, are very competent and have dark patina of alteration, and sometimes' see a thin layer. The soil in this area differs from the surrounding area showing, sometimes with good evidence, more 'dark. The

Brecce 2 clay surface in all the remaining, lower part of the paper. They tend to creeks that outcrops are numerous. The training consists of a dark clayey matrix that incorporates clasts of different shapes and different genesis, angular, varying in color, mainly in carbonate-rich veins di calcite. A sud, le Brecce Argillose 2 sono ricoperti dai depositi del torrente Staffora mentre a nord vengono ricoperte quasi interamente da detriti di versante. In un punto toccano le Marne di M. Piano. Per giustificare il contatto tra queste due formazioni, che in affioramento risulta invertito rispetto alla successione stratigrafica, abbiamo ipotizzato l’esistenza di una piega isoclinale che che fa affiorare anche le sottostanti Argille di Viano.

Il suddetto detrito di versante su cui peraltro e’ costruita la parete bassa di Sagliano, e’ ricoperto da suolo. Occasionalmente al suo interno sono riscontrabili frammenti delle formazioni di M.Vallassa e M.Lumello, comunque fortemente alterati.
Nella zona a ovest di Sagliano, la fault, which creates a considerable slope, Touch the Marne M. Lumello clay with breccias 2, suppose that there are under the debris slope. In this 'area and the fault' and reverse, we hypothesized that it will continue eastwards. The fault would thus be a whole ', of a rotational system. Still in the area west of Sagliano, and 'one set of minor faults that intersect with dipping towards the east, the main fault. The latter, as mentioned above, and 'reverse, while the secondary ones are directed. You can 'assume that the main fault is generated during the orogeny, while the secondary ones in a post orogenic extensional phase.

Above the Marne M. Lumello, with a stratigraphic contact, there are the Sandstones M. Vallassa It continues to appear to the north in the upper part of the relief.
In the upper part of the country Sagliano, there emerges the M. Lumello. Nevertheless, it is' clearly manifested its presence just outside the village going west, just after a gully. It therefore seems possible that there is a fault along the gully sub-vertical moving and re-emerge in the west of the Marne M. Lumello. The existence of this fault and 'supported by the presence along the canyon of very irregular structure of M. Vallassa that suggest a somewhat sblocchettata by tectonics.

order to give more scorrevolezza alla precedente trattazione, abbiamo preferito limitarci a citare alcune delle formazioni interessate, che qui di seguito saranno meglio descritte.
Facilmente si individuano le Marne di M. Piano anche grazie alla presenza di una frana attiva rappresentata in carta. Esse si presentano con una matrice prevalentemente marnoso-agillosa che assume spesso una colorazione a bande rosate e grigie. All’interno sono presenti intercalazioni carbonatiche e silicee.

La Formazione di M. Lumello , contrassegnata da una buona competenza, e’ prevalentemente marnosa, caratterizzata da un cemento non completamente carbonatico ma in parte siliceo. Numerose sono le intercalazioni arenacee a grana medio-fine e presenta a light gray color with black and yellow patina of alteration. The

Sandstones M. Vallassa , which correspond to the redistribution of material deltaic deposits, granuometria to assume a medium-fine to coarse and often show a prominent layering with medium to thick layers (10-50 cm). Typically have a yellowish or blackish, largely due to the alteration. Their expertise and 'substantial and are strengthened by a carbonate cement. Applicants are traces of bioturbation and small fragments of fossils.

CONCLUSIONS From a structural standpoint it was found to have of a fold Sinform isoclinal geometry, formed during the orogenic process that led to the formation of the Apennines. The fold has been generated in the oldest age groups compared to the formation of M. Lumello.
Then in more recent, the formations were deposited displaced by thrust faults, parallel to each other and genetically related, which led to contact formations of different ages.
Upon detection of the faults we have found direct minor (in the formations of Mt and Mt Vallassa Lumello), not cartography, we hypothesize that the presence of these structures is caused by phenomena soothing during periods of stasis of wrinkling.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Does A 'bad' Throat Look Like

Birth of a pyramidal structure Vesallo.

-analysis macrostructural-


(*) degree in Geology at the ' University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Introduction In this brief study is to describe the personal considerations than the discovery of some pyramids in Italy. We will refer to the structure of Reggio Emilia Vesallo recently described by Romano (2009) and Conrad (2009). The study provides

le seguenti fasi:
· Ricerca bibliografica inerente alle principali strutture tettoniche dell’area di Vesallo;
· Studio delle foto satellitari prese da Google Maps per cartografare le strutture tettoniche alla scala regionale e la morfologia delle piramidi;
al fine di descrivere i processi genetici della struttura piramidale.

Inquadramento geografico e geologico - geomorfologico
La struttura piramidale (coordinate geografiche: N 44° 26' 22.46" E 10° 32' 13.83" di Grw.) si trova nel territorio di Reggio Emilia, tra il paese di Vesallo e quello di Savognatica situati a sud-ovest di Carpiteti (fig. 1).

Il paesaggio è characterized by lithologies belonging to the Succession Epiligure (Bettelli and ALT., 1989a and 1989b) characterized a lithology arenarceo - conglomerate and the roof from pelitic turbidites (HAMMERS AND ALT., 1996). These lithologies belong to the formation Ranzano. On the basis of sedimentary characteristics and can differentiate into different States: Member of the Vall Pelloso and member of Melegari Varano, both mapped by the Geological Survey, Seismic Soil Survey of Emilia - Romagna (Fig. 2).

In terms of geomorphology, the study area has a high topographic conincidente a pyramidal structure rotated clockwise about 15 ° from the north direction. The base of the pyramid shows a square with sides facing north and west straight well-defined (some sides), while the east side is in part defined and traceable and partly ill-defined. The south side is ill-defined and can not be tracked because of agricultural practices (uncertain sides, fig. 3).

Interestingly, the west side that shows a regular geometric shape with a flat surface and tilted at an angle of about 25-30 ° (Romano, 2009; Conrad, 2009). These forms are described by various authors as "trapezoidal and triangular facets (Panizzi, 1995; PANIZZA & Attridge, 1978) classified as different depending on where you are (UFIMTSEV, 1990).
Brancaccio and ALT. (1977) year described some typical examples that can be observed in the limestone hills of the southern Apennines. The profile that the author describes, shows a linear and an inclination of 35 °.

analysis of tectonic structures
From the geological map (Fig. 2) we can see the major faults mapped in the area of \u200b\u200bstudy. Through photo interpretation of satellite images, taken from Google Maps, you can define the location and geometry of the different tectonic structures in the area that are represented by net fault systems mostly high-angle (Fig. 4).

From the data collected through analysis of geological maps and photo-interpretation of satellite images, were identified in the study area two main systems of tectonic structures:
· System NE - SW: with an orientation of about N 50 ° / 60 ° and called in scientific literature as "Antiappennino system" because it cuts the axis of the Apennine Mountains in transversal;
· System NO - SE: with an orientation of about N 300 ° and called in scientific literature as "system Apennine "because it is parallel to the chain Apennines (longitudinal);
The two systems intersect at an angle of close to 120 degrees. The geometrical analysis is concordant with other publications that describe the structural setting of the Northern Apennines (FAZZINI & Gelmini, 1982; Boccaletti and ALT., 1977, 1980, 1985; Bettelli and ALT., 1989a, 1989b; Papanice AND ALT. , 1987; BETTELLA, Vannucci & CAPTAINS, 2001; Bettelli, CAPTAINS & SANDWICHES, 2002; TOYS, 2003). There is also a system with N 20 ° orientation is not mapped in the geological map, but with pronounced morphological evidence found by the study of satellite images (Fig. 4)
On the west side of the pyramid structure and slightly lower down we find a planar surface inclined trapezoidal average of 20/25 °.

Conclusion The phenomenon of the pyramidal structure of Vesallo in the Province of Reggio Emilia is a natural phenomenon linked to the processes of erosion and chemical weathering selective along the main tectonic movement of the two successive blocks.

The data obtained from geological maps and photo interpretation show that the pyramidal structure is rotated by an angle 15 ° N (Fig. 3) and the side of some pyramidal structure located to the north is aligned according to the "the Apennines" (N 300 °) while the west side of the structure is aligned with the second tectonic structures with distinct geomorphological evidence that the macroscopic scale can be associated with those faults in the direction of the Apennines. The uncertainty of the two places in the east and south sides is probably due to the processes of modeling natural and anthropogenic.
The triangular area on the west side of the pyramid is related to the greater extent and the trapezoidal-mail to a share topographic lowest ever on the west side of the mountain. Both the two surfaces have the same inclination of 25/30 ° very close to that described by Brancaccio and ALT. (1977).
With the progress of geological time, tectonic efforts underway in the region have led to the dislocation of the different blocks of the training Ranzano, generating fault scarps (flat structural surfaces more or less extensive, fig.5).

Subsequently, erosion and alteration of those are back the fault scarp forming the triangular facets such as presets into the upper slope (summit at the facet of a minor fault) and Keystone (facet baseline) at the bottom, both with a slope of about 25/30 ° (Fig. 6).

The study shows how the physical and chemical processes on the main structural features of the pyramidal structures can generate very similar those that have been constructed by man. Not a model by man, but a long geological process that formed these odd structures.

To test the hypothesis described study is needed to scale mesostrutturale dell'affioramento, where to measure the orientation of the fault plane and check the actual parallel with the macroscopic structures and sides of the pyramid.

TOYS P. (2003); mesostrutturale and macrostructural analysis of the structures present in the fragile unity of the group of emerging Bismantova Zocca eCastel D'Aiano (Appennino Modena and Bologna). Unpublished Thesis, Dept. Earth Sc University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
BETTELLA G., BONAZZI U., Fazzini P., GASPERI G., Gelmini R., G. PANINI (1989a) Explanatory Note to the Geological Map of the Apennines of Modena and surrounding areas. Mem Soc Geol lt, 39 (1987), pp. 487-498.
BETTELLA G., BONAZZI U., Fazzini P., G. PANINI (1989b) Outline of introductory geology Epiliguridi in the Modena and surrounding areas. Mem Soc Geol lt, 39 (1987), pp. 215-246.
BETTELLA G., Vanucci, P., M. CAPTAINS (2001), extensional structures on the Side of the northern Po Valley Appenines. Poster, Fall Meeting 2001.
BETTELLA G., F. PANINI, Captain M. (2002), Geological Map - Structural East of the Emilian Apennines. From: Proceedings of the third workshop on the geological mapping.
M. Boccaletti, M. HILLS, NAPOLEON G. (1977); New structural alignments from Landsat images and relationship to seismic activity in the Apennines. Bol. Lt Geol Soc, 96, pp. 679-694.
M. Boccaletti, M. HILLS, Decani FA., GIANNINI E., Lazzarotto A. (1980), Evolution of the Northern Apennines according to a new structural model. Mem Soc Geol lt, 21, pp. 359-374.
M. Boccaletti, M. HILLS, EVA C., FERRARI C., Gigli C., A. Lazzarotto, F. MERLANTI, Nicolini R., Papania G., D. POSTPISCHL (1985); Consideration on the seismotectonics of the Northern Apennines. Tectophysics, 117 pp. 732-743.
BRANCACCIO L., CINQUE A., I. Sgrosso (1977), Shape and genesis of some fault of the slopes in carbonate rocks: the natural response of a theoretical model. Rend. Acc Sc FMSNSLA Napoli, ser. 4, 46.
CORRADI S. (2009); Vesallo Pyramid of the Italian enigma of the pyramids: If this is not a pyramid. Available at Internet: ;
FAZZINI P., Gelmini R. (1982), Tectonics of the Northern Cross. Mem Soc Geol lt, 24, pp. 299-309.
L. HAMMER, CIBIN U., R. Catanzano, Giulio A., D. RIO (1996); lithostratigraphy of the formation of Ranzano (Succession Epiligure, Northern Apennines and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin). In preparation.
PANIZZA M., Piacente S. (1978); Relationships between geomorphology and neotectonics. Conceptual Development. Geogr. Fis. Din. Quat., 1 (2).
PANIZZA M. (1995), Geomorphology. Pitagora Editrice Bologna.
Papanice G., TELLINI C., TORELLI L., VERNA L., Iaccarino S. (1987); New stratigraphic and structural data on the formation of the syncline Bismantova Vetto - Carpiteti (Appennino Reggiano Parmesan). Mem Soc Geol It On., 39, pp. 245-275. ROMANO
LB (2009), a further discovery in Italy ... Vesallo borer in Reggio Emilia. Available at Internet: ;
ROMANO LB (2009), Santa Anna de Goti a second Visoko? Available at Internet: ;
UFIMTSEV GF (1990); Morphotectonics of the Baikal rift zone (USSR). Geogr. Fis. Dyn. Quat., 13.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best Lightweight Tripod

21.90 ... nearly!

The release of yesterday was at risk. Bad weather all week, but forecasts say that by 23 hours and all night the sky would be reassured. And so we risked. Destination
initial Val Visdende. When we arrived there were low clouds that we are after the rain. Beyond the clouds filtered the light of the stars. So we decided to migrate to Peralba, 500 meters in altitude and half an hour. We hoped to be out of the clouds.
Thomas arrived before we found a nearly clear sky. Although we have seen along the road leading up the Piave to the sources, but when we arrived we were in the clouds. Anything peeped here and there, and Thomas did the slalom in the haze.
last around one and a half at night the sky cleared. Thinking it was a clear sky late we started to assemble the 60 cm. Unfortunately, over 15 minutes have arrived and no more mist is more open.
In those 15 minutes of calm we misurato 21.90 come lo SQM (2 SQM, fra 21.83 e 22.02 con il grosso intorno a 21.88-21.92). Il cielo infatti era nerissimo e pieno di stelle. Abbiamo osservato qualche cosa ma ormai erano già arrivati dei veli.
Sono però contento di sapere che condizioni meteo favorevoli al Peralba si arriva a 21.90. La forchetta è 21.40-21.90.
Un'altra osservazione è che, quando il cielo era velato e lo SQM dava 22.30 ci si vedeva ancora benissimo.