Sunday, May 9, 2010

Best Lightweight Tripod

21.90 ... nearly!

The release of yesterday was at risk. Bad weather all week, but forecasts say that by 23 hours and all night the sky would be reassured. And so we risked. Destination
initial Val Visdende. When we arrived there were low clouds that we are after the rain. Beyond the clouds filtered the light of the stars. So we decided to migrate to Peralba, 500 meters in altitude and half an hour. We hoped to be out of the clouds.
Thomas arrived before we found a nearly clear sky. Although we have seen along the road leading up the Piave to the sources, but when we arrived we were in the clouds. Anything peeped here and there, and Thomas did the slalom in the haze.
last around one and a half at night the sky cleared. Thinking it was a clear sky late we started to assemble the 60 cm. Unfortunately, over 15 minutes have arrived and no more mist is more open.
In those 15 minutes of calm we misurato 21.90 come lo SQM (2 SQM, fra 21.83 e 22.02 con il grosso intorno a 21.88-21.92). Il cielo infatti era nerissimo e pieno di stelle. Abbiamo osservato qualche cosa ma ormai erano già arrivati dei veli.
Sono però contento di sapere che condizioni meteo favorevoli al Peralba si arriva a 21.90. La forchetta è 21.40-21.90.
Un'altra osservazione è che, quando il cielo era velato e lo SQM dava 22.30 ci si vedeva ancora benissimo.


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