Friday, May 28, 2010

High Oxalates In Toddler

morfostrutture pyramid of Sant'Agata de 'Goti and surrounding areas. Geological Map of the Apennines between


-analisi macrostrutturale-

di Paolo Balocchi*

In questo breve studio si vogliono descrivere le considerazioni personali rispetto the description of some pyramids in southern Italy by the independent researcher Romano (2009) and Barbadoro.

This article is preferable to replace the term "pyramid" (Toys, 2010) the term "morfostruttura pyramid" because it expresses more of the genetic processes that led to their formation. In fact, it is believed that these morfostrutture pyramids are the result of tectonic processes and then the processes shaping the surface (chemical alteration and physical disintegration, together with those of the runoff) which produced the forms and the present landscape (Toys, 2010).

The study includes the following phases:
· Research bibliography of the major tectonic structures of the area of \u200b\u200bSant'Agata de 'Goti Benevento (Campania) and surrounding areas;
· Study of satellite photos taken from Google Maps to map the tectonic structures at the regional scale;
· Analysis of satellite imagery in 3D from Google Maps to map the "morfostrutture pyramid" and recognize the topography of the area with particular attention to morphotectonic (Brancaccio, 1977, 1978, Panizza, 1995).
This study aims to describe the processes of formation of "morfostrutture pyramid" in the territory of Sant'Agata de 'Goti and zone limitrofe, definendo una probabile ipotesi genetica plausibile con i dati geologici e geomorfologici ricavati dallo studio delle immagini satellitari di Google Maps.

Inquadramento geografico
Secondo quanto esposto dagli autori Romano, (2009) e Barbadoro la piramide presente a Sant’Agate de’ Goti si trova in corrispondenza della “collina Ariella” di altezza 348 m (a nord-ovest del M.te Traverso). Inoltre altre due piramidali si ritrovano a sud-est nei pressi del paese di Moiano (M.te Porrito, 380 m) e ancora più a sud-est nei pressi di Montesarchio. Una nuova piramide è stata rinvenuta nei pressi di Caiazzo (M.te Mesarinolo, 245 m), localizzata a nord-ovest rispetto il paese di Sant'Anna de 'Goti.Le pyramids described above are aligned along a direction (Romano, 2009) is clearly visible from satellite images (Google Maps), which show an actual alignment in a direction of 115 ° N (Fig. 1).

THE EXAMPLE OF Sant'Agata de 'Goti
The ares of study (Fig. 2) is characterized by north-west lithologies belonging to the Samnite units represented by sandstone , limestone and marl of Campoli, while in the south and west are lithologies belonging to the carbonate tectonic units of the Apennines, represented by Limestones Radiolaritidi (calciruditica in facies), and rudist Calciruditi orbitoline, Calacri with Requin and gastropods. There are also volcanic deposits belonging to Ignibrite Campana (Carannante C., Stanzione D.).

analysis of tectonic structures
In the paper the main tectonic features (Fig. 3) describes the major faults of a regional nature. A first fault system with sub-vertical plane and straight line shows a NE-SW (N 40/55 °) and a second system with NW-SE (N 120/130 degrees).
Through photo interpretation of satellite images of Google Maps with the 3D perspective view (Fig. 4) it was possible to detect the presence of other minor (Gelmini & Fazzini, 1982; Panizza, 1995; Toys, 2003) that preserve an approach similar to those mapped at the regional scale.

Analysis of Geomorphological
As for geomorphological aspects, the area under consideration shows a variety of forms related to different modeling agents. The forms include broad fluvial terraces probably of volcanic origin for the deposition of the Campanian Ignimbrite and then shaped and carved by surface water also forming along the edges of river embankments F. Isclero. The study correlated
satellite images and topographic maps (Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea) has mapped the course of the ridges. From the 3D model and paper forms (Fig. 4 and 5) we see that the trend of the ridge follows the main tectonic features.

The pyramid described by Romano (2009) (coordinates: N 41 ° 5 '51.10 "E 14 ° 31' 23:20" of GRW.) Is located at the top post to NO of Mt Traverso and called "hill Ariella" (348 m). It has a pyramid type structure with geometric rhombic regular basis. The slope of the hill inclinato con una pendenza regolare di circa 25/30°. Sono presenti forme antropiche come i terrazzamenti a scopo agricolo visibili sul versante nord e nello spigolo a nord una concava di escavazione per cava (Romano, 2009; Barbadoro).
Dall’analisi fotogeologica non si riscontrano superfici strutturali ben conservate quali faccette triangolari se non quella posta sul lato nord della morfostruttura piramidale (Brancaccio e al., 1977; 1978; Panizza, 1995; Panizza & Piacente, 1978; Ufimtsev, 1990; Balocchi, 2010;). Le poche “superfici relitte” (Panizza & Del Vecchio, 1982; Panizza, 1995; Brancaccio e al., 1978) presenti nell’area di studio si presentano con forma planare e regular, aligned with the main tectonic structures.

We describe below the structural-geological and geomorphological features of the remaining morfostrutture pyramid found in areas adjacent to that of Sant'Agata de 'Goti. These minor mostrostrutture have a poor state of repair due to an intense process of modeling by chemical and physical alteration.

Moiano ( N 41 ° 5 '27.70 "E 14 ° 32' 49.87" to GRW).
Geologically the area is characterized by limestones and limestones with gastropods and Requin to Radiolaritidi (in calciruditica facies). In south east are composed of volcanic deposits Ignibrite Campana (Fig. 6).
On the geological map is mapped with an alleged fault NW-SE.

analysis of satellite images, geo-morphological area has a number of debris cones in the portion to the north, while along the F. Isclero are many edges of the escarpment by erosion of volcanic deposits. The pyramid
morfostruttura (Monte Porro, 380 m) shows a cone-shaped ill-defined and not very evident (Fig. 7).

Montesarchio ( N 41 ° 2 '42.19 "E14 ° 40' 24.39" of GRW)
Geologically the area is characterized by deposits colluvial (Chiocchini & Hammer, in press).

morfostruttura The pyramid (279 m) shows a form ill-defined, probably due to leaching of surface deposits by the agents of weather and water runoff (Fig. 8), resulting in a smooth and corrugated morphology almost the surrounding area.

Caiazzo ( N 41 ° 9 '25.29 "E 14 ° 20' 43.05 of GRW)
Geologically the area is characterized by sandstones of Caiazzo and on the east side of Calciruditi rudist and orbitoline with a contact with the previous tectonic formation above (Fig. 9).

analysis satellite images, geo-morphological area has different types of fluvial origin as the edges of the escarpment along F. Volturno. The pyramid
morfostruttura (Mt Mesarinolo, 245 m) shows a regular conical shape, and on the north side of a valley excavating probably a form of anthropogenic (Fig. 10) due to the excavation pit.

The phenomenon of morfostruttura pyramidal Sant'Agata de 'Goti in the Province of Benevento (Campania) and surrounding areas is a natural phenomenon linked to the processes of erosion and chemical alteration along the selective major tectonic lines.

The data obtained from geological maps and photo interpretation show that the pyramidal structure with a rhombic base of the ridge and trends inherent in the small mountain range consisting of the peaks of Monte Guardia (439 m), Mt Traverso (365 m) and the "hill Ariella" (348 m), are set along the main tectonic and local to regional scale. On carbonate lithologies of the second type Brancaccio and alt. (1977, 1978), fault surfaces are set with an inclination close to the average of 30/40 ° tilt morfostruttura described by Romano (2009) and Barbadoro.
There were no significant surface triangular or trapezoidal because of the morphogenetic processes that have dismantled the original fault scarp slope and varying the generation of "relict surfaces" (Panizza & Del Vecchio, 1982; Panizza, 1995) planar angles of 25/30 degrees.
Some of the faults at the sides tend to preserve the flatness of the original with remarkable fidelity mirror fault. In our case the slopes of the mountains are studied on the main tectonic features, but do not preserve the original tilt mirror fault (subvertical). A series of erosion has shaped mirror fault until the reduction of the slope (the slope current setting of 25/30 ° inclination, and Brancaccio al. 1977, 1978; Toys, 2010) and leaving the base of the slope accumulation of debris (Fig. 11).

Although data on other pyramidal morfostrutture are few and far inconclusive, it is believed that the "denudation model (for straight-line recession with variation of the slope) describes the genetic hypothesis is consistent with the geological data, Structural and geomorphological derived from this study.

It is also considered useful, further study with a monitoring campaign mesostrutturale and geomorphology, in order to verify the consistency of the genetic model described above.


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