Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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We often see some players, eat doses of pure sugar (glucose tablets or sachets) before a race, it is good or bad?
Here's the answer:
The classic white sugar we use in coffee does not have utility in a competition like a football game at 5.
The glycemic index is too high, it has a negative rebound in the short time with symptoms that can lead to the sensation of legs, "weak" and quick accumulator of fatigue. So
avoid pure sugar a few minutes into a race.
Good nutrition pre-race must be made 2 / 3 hours before the meeting and must have a good dose of carbohydrates and simple sugars. Among the favorite foods there is a tart, rich in simple sugars that do not clog up the body, and are determined over the course of the game. The brown rice is an excellent food, though it has a lower digestibility.
As for the energy restoration during the contest and / or between first and second half, sweetened drinks containing glucose, fructose and maltodextrin with mineral salts such as sodium, potassium and magnesium are the best solution for their assimilation will become instant immediately energy.



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