Monday, March 7, 2011

Wedding Card Message For Long Term

Kick off No. 10 offensive

Kick-off with the use of our goalkeeper.
This scheme will lead to some can finalize implementation of fast and extremely offensive.

A and B, C and D
ball very wide on the wings
P starting from his own area just before kick-off comes close to touching the ball at midfield

B to B turns his back to the door attacking and then touches the ball to P

Meanwhile ...
D and A click into depth on the same area
C band snaps into depth on his parallel
B widens the area originally occupied by C

Now P has the ball and can opt for two solutions:

1 - Launch high in depth in the area of \u200b\u200bA and D. This solution is faster but more difficult to accomplish because you probably will play a two against two in this area and sometimes can be good or bad.
The revival of the goalkeeper must be outside the penalty area in order to create a sort of melee in the area and with a little luck that will win a fatal blow to one of our goals in just seconds. Use this solution if we conceded a late goal and we are in the missing of a few moments al fischio finale

2- (soluzione optata nel video)
P allarga palla nuovamente per B
B cerca in profondità C
A e D si inseriscono all'interno dell'area avversaria, rispettivamente A sul primo palo e D sul secondo
C passa palla in mezzo all'area cercando A o C per il tap in a rete (oppure srotolando indietro per il rimorchio di B che andrà al tiro-passaggio forte in mezzo all'area)
Questa è una buonissima possibilità offensiva da utilizzare per recuperare un risultato negli ultimi momenti di gara.

Ovviamente si corrono dei rischi perchè per esempio in caso di passaggio finale errato da parte di C, si rischia un contropiede in quanto non abbiamo aiuti defensive.

So summing this scheme offers a variety of solutions extremely offensive to retrieve a result in the last minute of play.


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