Monday, February 28, 2011

Bible Black Stream Episodes

offensive Movement N ° 14

offensive movement with an initial placement 3-1

Our three players behind, are shoot the ball from side to side.
At some point the player station (B) low ball to either side (D).
B cuts the field going on in parallel diagonal of D.
Meanwhile, the pivot (A) came to meet the ball to make a block (or an alternative to getting in the way) to the opposing player who was following our B.
Thus B will have greater freedom to fly away towards the goal. Most likely
D (with the ball) will be pressed, and then seek the inclusion of B with a lob in parallel trying to serve his companion on the ride.

receives the ball, B will be near the area where opponents will try the best solution finalized.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chicken Bhuna History

calendario datacol 2011

The theme of the 2011 calendar Datacol Movida English and what is the best location is the transgression, the fun and the party?? Ibiza of course!
Inspired by the style of David LaChapelle, the pictures are very strong colors and the particular irony that plays down the situation.
The calendar this year has allowed me to range far and daring in the choice of colors, patterns and accessories to match unrealistic in everyday life, then to give vent to my fantasy. I chose
I took photos of each month to show you the result, you say you taste??

model: Sarah Duque
stylist: Valeria
hair stylist / make up: Federica
Photographer: Gianpaolo
Photographer: Federica
Datacol Art Direction: Julie
Mdp Art Direction: Barbara
account Chief: Richard

and to view other months ......... click!

Sausage Dog Draught Excluder Template

Tectonic considerations in New Zealand after the earthquakes of September 3, 2010 and February 21, 2011

Toys (1) - Giorgio De Luca (2)

Abstract: The earthquake of 21 February 2011 shows a different tectonic area of \u200b\u200bChristchurch, compared to the overall framework. The quake seems to be correlated with an event before the September 3, 2010, and then interpreted as aftershocks . The focal mechanism shows a motion to reverse fault that can not be related to the focal mechanism from slip faults right Previous seismic event. By analyzing the focal mechanisms, and related to the main Alpine Fault earthquake is possible to define the two as independent structures, which are caused by two kinematically different, but still subject to the Alpine Fault. These facilities are located in the global tectonic framework of New Zealand, offering a model tectonic appropriate. The framework of the tectonic stress does not change, showing a system of thrust tectonics constant and unchanging over time.

(1) Geologist of GeoResearch Center Italy - geoblog (website: ; mail: ).
(2) Surveyor contributor GeoResearch Center Italy - geoblog (website: ) .

the day of the February 21, 2011 at 12:51 pm local (23:51 UTC) there was a strong earthquake of M 6.3 (Fig. 1), in the city of Christchurch (43.6 ° S, 172.7 ° E), New Zealand (USGS, 2010, 2011; TOYS, 2011; PIOMBINO, 2011). The quake, at first glance appears to correlate the event of September 3, 2010 (Fig. 2) (mainshock), and then interpreted as aftershocks of a seismic sequence migrant from west to east.

Figure 1: Location of the seismic
of February 21, 2011 (by: USGS, 2011).

Figure 2: Location of the seismic
of September 3, 2010 (by: USGS, 2010)

From Further analysis of focal mechanisms, this does not seem to be a tectonic structure which may relate the two events, and then the earthquake of February 21 they should be considered as a mainshock of a secondary structure (USGS, 2011) but related to Alpine Fault (TOYS, 2010).

The study conducted by authors want to focus sull'assetto and probable tectonic faults that caused the earthquake of February 21, 2011, as in Christchurch appears that there is an active tectonic structure (Institute of Geological and Nuclear SCIENCES - GNS, 2004; USGS, 2011) to justify a seismic event. It also wants to propose a tectonic model at the global scale, and linking the seismogenic faults and the tectonic stress field.

seismological and tectonic framework of the New Zealand

Figure 3: Tectonic Context of New Zealand
From a tectonic point of view, at the global scale (Fig. 3 ), New Zealand is at a transform plate boundary type right with a NE-SW and that connects to the Australian plate and the Pacific NW to SE. The transform fault is described by various authors and called Alpine Fault (Wells, 1999; ROBINSON, 2003); ZACHARIASEN et al., 2006, UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO).

The event of 21 February può essere interpretato come parte di una sequenza inizia con il terremoto del 3 settembre 2010 con M 7,0 (fig. 1 e 2), solo sulla base di numerose scosse di assestamento avvenute secondo una direzione W–E, a partire dall’evento del 3 settembre ed estendendosi verso est (USGS, 2011; PIOMBINO, 2011).

Analizzando i meccanismi focali dei due eventi sismici precedentemente descritti (USGS, 2010, 2011), si nota come l'evento del 3 settembre (fig. 4) mostra un asse principale di massima compressione (asse P) a direzione NW–SE e un asse principale di massima estensione (asse T) a direzione NE–SW. Tale assetto dell’ellissoide degli sforzi è compatibile with a fault plane with the main direction E-W transcurrent kinematics to the right and a fault plane and auxiliary conjugate to the previous direction NS transcurrent motion to the left.

Figure 4: Focal Mechanism
seismic event of September 3, 2010:
P = principal axis of maximum compression, T =
principal axis of maximum extension ;
(by: USGS, 2010)
The event of 21 February (Fig. 5), however, show a principal axis of maximum compression (P axis) in NW-SE direction and a principal axis of maximum extension (T-axis) direction to 19 ° N and 45 ° tilt. This structure of the efforts of the ellipsoid is compatible with a main fault plane in the direction of ENE-WSW oblique-reverse kinematics and fault plane and auxiliary conjugate to the previous, with NNW-SSE and also to oblique-reverse kinematics .
Both events show the same direction of the main axis of maximum compression (P axis), but different direction as far as the main axis of maximum extension axis (T). Moreover, the two focal mechanisms represent two different types of faults kinematically, the earthquake of September 3 shows a movement from slip faults, while the event of 21 February shows a movement to reverse fault.
Figure 5: Focal Mechanism
seismic event of 21 February 2011:
P = principal axis of maximum compression;
T = principal axis of maximum extension;
(by: USGS, 2011)

Figura 6 : Carta delle soluzioni dei meccanismi focali
(da: USGS, 2011).
 Dallo studio dei due meccanismi focali (fig. 4 e 5) si può notare come i due eventi sismici presentano una compatibilità nella direzione dell’asse principale di massima compressione (asse P, massimo stress tettonico di compressione) mentre non presentano compatibilità sia per quello che riguarda l’asse principale di massima estensione (asse T, massimo stress tettonico di estensione), sia dal punto di vista cinematico. Infatti, mentre l’evento del 3 settembre è caratterizzato da una cinematica dovuta ad una faglia trascorrente, l’evento del 21 febbraio è caratterizzato da una cinematica da faglia inversa. I due eventi devono essere perciò imputati a due mainshock distinti e legati a due strutture geologiche differenti.

Dal confronto tra i due meccanismi focali con quelli storici (fig. 6)(CMT, 2006) è possibile definire una corrispondenza con la Faglia Alpina per il primo evento sismico. Il meccanismo focale mostra il piano di faglia principale con una direzione W–E e inclinato ad alto angolo. Tale assetto strutturale può essere descritto come faglia secondaria trascorrente destra (sintetica) di tipo R (fig. 7a), oriented at low angle (around 15/20 °) (DAVIS, REYNOLDS, 1996) to the direction of the Alpine Fault (Fig. 8).

Figure 7: Model of tectonic structures associated with secondary
transform faults right: a) slip faults
secondary type R, R ' , P b) secondary reverse fault.
For the event of 21 February 2011, the structural framework changes. The focal mechanism shows a type of fault kinematically different from Previous to the earthquake (Fig. 4 and 5). Therefore we can say that the geological structure that caused the two earthquakes is not the same, but for the earthquake of February 21 should be treated with a compressive structure. This structure may be made in any way related to the Alpine Fault. In fact, in correspondence of shear zones (Fig. 7b) can generate thrust faults of or thrust faults, with an angle of about 45 ° to the direction of cutting main ( Davis, Reynolds, 1996 ). The level of the fault plane main direction ENE-WSW can precisely be described as secondary to inverse kinematics and fault-oriented according to the Alpine Fault (main cut) by an angle equal to approximately 45 ° to the fault plane dips towards SE with an angle of about 63 ° (Fig. 5 and 8). So the two minor tectonic structures are associated to the main structure of the Alpine Fault, a structure representing traspressiva right.

Figure 8: Model tectonics:
Rosso : Faglia Alpina;
Verde : faglia secondaria sintetica di tipo R;
Blue : faglia inversa ipotetica;
Frecce : Asse principale di massima compressione
(Asse P). 
 La struttura individuata sulla base dell’analisi del meccanismo focale inerente all’evento sismico del 21 febbraio, non mostra evidenze di tipo geomorfologico, se non quelle successive al terremoto e quindi deve considerarsi sepolta below the alluvial deposits.
area of \u200b\u200bChristchurch are not, however, buried and active tectonic structures mapped (Institute of Geological and Nuclear SCIENCES - GNS, 2004), and therefore this seismogenic structure (currently active) may have formed and have produced strong event earthquake of 21 February, and numerous cracks in the ground by cutting the surface deposits, or is this a fault ancient and buried under the alluvial deposits, which produced the earthquake reactivated (SCIENCE, 2011), justifying the high inclination fault plane.

Entrambe le strutture descritte sono compatibili con il medesimo asse principale di massima compressione (asse P) a direzione NW–SE. Tale assetto dello stress tettonico in entrambe i casi con la stessa direzione è comunque concorde con il paleostress tettonico alla scala globale (fig. 6). Tale situazione mostra come il regime di spinta tettonica tra le due placche non è cambiato nel tempo, mantenendo la medesima direzione di spostamento relativo delle due placche.


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Stretching after a workout

After the race just a shower? It 's a mistake. Before you go in the locker room or go home, stop for a while 'for stretching.
In previous work we have analyzed various options for stretching, showing a number of years now explain why it is good use to do some stretching after a training session.
To let you walk away completely the risk of muscle injuries, it should be complementary with stretching exercises after your workout. There will, among other things, a feeling of relaxation and you will feel your legs and softer, especially after a session especially challenging. For each exercise, hold the position for 20 seconds without bouncing and repeat the exercises for four times, alternating legs.
careful not to force: remember that there is a point beyond which it becomes painful stretching forward. and if the force is excessive, the pleasant heat can turn into burning or discomfort and may cause a muscular nature. It may seem a trivial recommendation, but if you have remedied an injury in training and you feel sick in the leg, avoid stretching. The stretching should be avoided for the muscles and joints inflamed or if the muscles affected by the exercises have recently suffered a distraction muscle stretching, or even a tear. Before and after the race, stretching for you to become a pleasant habit. In addition to guard against injuries, this practice increases the flexibility and elasticity of the muscles and

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Milena Velba Walking In The Park

kelly osbourne for material girl collection.

The second celebrity to lend his face to the Material Girl Collection, the famous line from Madonna and daughter Lourdes (the first was the tenebrosissima Taylor Momsen) is Kelly Osbourne, chosen for its soul rock yet feminine and generous forms. Finally a real woman, in the flesh!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Early Pension Contributions

Kick N ° 9

Kick Off that will give us various solutions aimed

A and B
D on the ball close to them just outside the center field bezel
C defiladed

B passes the ball sideways to
A B shoot forward focusing in the area where there are opponents and B C D
further expands on the band
D widens on the wing opposite to that of C

A scheme to run the ball must pass through D
Now B continues its step forward and suddenly change its course by going to the parallel D
D advances
C size ball and chain at the far post

Now D may also search the corridor to pass the ball to the far post otherwise C may play a parallel to B. The latter may seek the return pass for the inclusion of D, C, or search the far post.

Notes and information

As you can see the solutions are plenty of offensive and depend very much on the way of defending opponent.
For example, the solution to the corridor from D to C will be if the central defender will attract enemy side (leaving space in between) from our player B when triggered in parallel.
If B receives the ball in parallel can find two solutions here are heavily dependent on central defender opponent, whether it is in the heart of the penalty will be difficult to pass the ball to C at the far post but it will be easier triangular hooking D, reverse speech opponent will rise if the central defender to the edge of his area, so there will be space to serve our fellow C at the far post.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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N ° 13

Movement offensive that starts with 2 / 3 rotation cycles, then a simple change suddenly going to create a position of superiority in an area of \u200b\u200bthe field.

Rotation simple: Players placed

2-2 A ball

A port ball towards the center and then the download size for C
A to B space
D goes to B of A
should be in place of D

perform this simple method for 2 / 3 times at this point one of our players with the ball calls the scheme (in this video D) e. ..

D pretends to carry the ball a few yards in the middle
Then suddenly changes its course back toward the starting point
C torna verso D (allargandosi però)
B cerca lo spazio centrale al limite dell'area

D passa palla a C
a questo punto l'avversario dovrebbe essere sorpreso dalla nostra giocata quindi si creerà una superiorità numerica data dai giocatori C-B

B inizialmente non sarà seguito dal su marcatore (in teoria) perchè l'avversario essendo abituato ai nostri 2/3 giri di rotazione iniziale molto probabilmente marcava a zona chiamando eventuali scalate.

C ha la palla e può affrontare il suo marcatore nell'uno contro uno (qualora B centrale fosse marcato) o cercare B per mandarlo al tiro da posizione centrale.

Note ed informazioni:

Il cambio di corsa da parte di D per l'inizio della nostra trappola deve essere il più veloce possibile, evitare colpi di tacco qualora il nostro giocatore sia troppo vicino al giocatore avversario B (blu) che potrebbe capire la giocata e/o intercettare il pallone involandosi in tranquillità verso la nostra porta. Quindi cambio di direzione, guardo il compagno C e gli passo il pallone (altrimenti se non ci sono soluzioni si riprende la rotazione semplice).

Quando C deve ricevere palla si allarga leggermente facilitando il passaggio da parte di D

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Happened To Gangstawars

offensive movement by pressing Exit N ° 13

Uscita dal pressing su rimessa dal fondo che ci offre 4 soluzioni finali and can be performed on each field (large or small)

A and D on the edge of our area, facing one another
B and D on the line of center field in the lateral position

doors and called the scheme comes into play with the ball (have 4 seconds to make the switch)

A and D on their respective bands widen

B is in the middle (perhaps with the help of an initial movement against make room for the marker)

C cuts the field going to creep into space vacated by B

Now our doors will have 4 options:

-If our players A and D do not follow you can download one of the two ball.

- Step B
- Long pass deep into C

Notes and Information:

A and D must broaden their backs to the sideline (ideally of the body to get a move) . If either receiving the ball, bring it to the center and will have two outlets available, B will come in the middle and the other partner stayed close to the sideline

B is in the middle and if receiving the ball will seek the help of A or D (which is unmarked in the meantime to give a hand to his companion, a remaining side and the other leads back to the center). B can not search C perchè non lo vede ed è girato di spalle.

Il portiere chiama lo schema prima di prendere la palla dal fondo (darà più tempo ai compagni di piazzarsi)

Quando si prepara lo schema B e C devono sapere chi dei due è quello che dovrà andare al centro, quando il portiere chiama lo schema basta guardarsi un attimo ed urlare un semplice "vado io!"

Anche C si può avvalere di un contro movimento prima di tagliare verso la zona di campo lasciata libera da B (per esempio facendo finta di venire in mezzo per poi immediatamente cambiare la direzione della corsa)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Get Misprit In Pokemondeluge

Kick off No. 8

Calcio di inizio which can lead to different solutions immediate offensive.

A and B on the ball
C near the center circle in the center
D very close to one of the two lateral lines

A passes the ball to B on an overlapping run
approaches slightly D and then immediately cut to the ball passes parallel
perform a defensive movement back toward the center circle (possible support to D) B
shoot straight at the opposing area D
passes the ball along the parallel movement A
to stop the ball
D undergoes A

A can now:

- Look immediately to the far post B
- Download the ball again for coming on the run D will pull
- D with a change of direction moves toward the center pretending ball A (solution chosen in the video)

analysis of the third solution we see that we have evaded the marking opponent (D Blue) and now we can infiltrate into the penalty area looking for the enemy direct fire or find lurking at the far post

Monday, February 14, 2011

Official Translation Of Uk Driving Licence


Testosterone is the anabolic hormone par excellence. Thanks to both share for every athlete increases strength and muscle mass, important factors for improvement in many sports. Testosterone is produced naturalmente nel corpo umano in quantità limitate. L’allenamento anaerobico ad alta intensità (sollevare pesi, corse di velocità ecc.) aumenta in parte la produzione endogena del testosterone.

Ovviamente l'ombra del doping aleggia nell'aria, in particolare grazie ai farmaci anabolizzanti che mirano ad aumentare i livelli di questo ormone in maniera abbondantemente sovrafisiologicia (fino a 100 volte i livelli naturali).

Negli ultimi anni però le aziende che producono integratori per sportivi hanno sviluppato la ricerca di sostanze naturali che potessero effettivamente contribuire ad innalzare i livelli di testosterone immettendo sul mercato parecchi prodotti che vantavano effetti non sempre supportati scientific research.
The herbal extracts in particular are becoming increasingly important in animal sports. Some herbal extracts give a real benefit, but unfortunately many companies have sometimes absurd powers for their products containing herbs, thereby losing the trust of the consumer products also valid.
In this article I will describe, however, a product marketed as natural raise testosterone widely used and known, is the Greek Hay.

Hay greek (Trigonella foenum graecum) is an excellent adaptogen and anti-inflammatory functions anticatabolic naturali.I phytocomplex its components are used in menopause, andropause, is used in traditional medicine during convalescence and to encourage weight gain. The greek hay promotes a natural hormone synthesis in the body. Is studied as a potential treatment to combat diabetes. Among the active components have been identified furostanol saponins, which can also lower plasma cholesterol. The most important isolated saponin is diosgenin arrows in the hay. It also contains Fenugrecina, foreign peptide, a steroid sapogenins with glucose-lowering action as well as cardiotonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Furostanol saponins possess immunostimulating activity and stimulating hormone LHRH resulting in increased testosterone levels and spermatogenesis.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Victoria Beckham Blouse

kick N ° 28

kick very simple and secure.
Thanks to our players lurking at the near post will climb as much as possible in order to achieve the barrier opposing the scheme.

C on the ball near
A to C, as if ready to kick at goal
D away from the ball, then the opposite side of attracting the attention of the opponent's defenders.
B stationed at the near post (this will scale the barrier opposing)

the referee's whistle will reverse the positions of A and C as: C
widens and A approaches the ball

B moves from the second pole stationing in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe barrier created by the staggered

A passes the ball to C C

takes strong in the area where it is located B

B goes some way to divert the ball towards the door (the distance from the door is very small, and also fulfills a touch dirty

Notes and Information:

The roll-step C should be low shot

E 'a pattern very safe, because if it does not We get a lot of players ready to defend the ball behind the line.

This scheme has other possible developments (for example if the port is not scales the fence) that will be addressed shortly

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Geriatrics Nursing Journal

Training: Between technical work and psychology

Training is one of the basic steps for the success of a team. While training, the group of players will have to find the right feeling with the coach and the coaching staff. Andrei
to identify these four basic characteristics that develop (or should develop) during training in the course of a season for the success of a team.

- individual and team athletic training
- Feeling with the coach and his training methods
- personal knowledge and harmony with the various players
- personal knowledge and harmony with various managers and corporate staff

reached at least the findings in these four characteristics, certainly the team and his team have done a good job and the team is ready to take off satisfaction. Then during the season is normal to have ups and downs affected by such "technical limits individual compared to other higher-level opponents that we might encounter," "a few races in the absence of some leaders of the game" "physical problems in general "" particular psychological moments of some players. "
But we do not want this article to analyze these factors affect the group, but we want to deepen the four characteristics that only applies to our work during the training sessions.

individual and team athletic training: A key part
, often seen by players as the most boring exercise. You can play football at various levels to 5, however, the individual and team athletic training is very important. With a good athletic coach is that players will have an extra weapon they can use to cancel the technical limitations that may come out during a game against an opponent more technically valid, or the technician can set up your own matching game for example, stages of pressure in stages of "rest." The state athletic individual helps also the player to be more focused during a match managing to stay calm in difficult situations that may occur and / or take advantage of opponents in apparent difficulty efficiency. I always recommend if you use a professional trainer who knows how to coach together to draw up a training program suited to the group available. This part of training, however, should not be too boring, or you risk that the group of players does not perform the best exercises. It 'makes sense that here you have to work hard but you can do with games, teams with goals (creating a winning mentality to the combined athletics), exercises using the ball etc etc.. In short, there are many ways to workout but keep the threshold high for fun (key).

Feeling with the coach and his training methods:
The coach must be seen as the leader of the group of players and the players should view it as a leader.
There are various ways to stand against a group of players, but it is essential to a professional and impartial treatment to all. These two features are essential and will bring transparency in the work of a coach. There must be some pupils (may be there, but it is better if this thing is not to see the rest of the group it with any public statements).
rules sometimes Ferree, who does not train does not play, who does not apply to training does not play. Always write down (in front of the players) are present and those absent in the training, you always know how a player fails to report to training or to delay the session, occasionally grooming the players (even the leader) when something is wrong and applaud and encourage those who are doing well. All these are but trifles behavioral invite the group to follow and believe in the technical. Then there is the purely technical side, a coach must be prepared, with his teachings and his methods of play must be seen to be able to solve any situation that is too complex that occurs during a race, risolvere una partita applicando uno schema oppure saper bloccare eventuali talenti che ci sono in una squadra avversaria. Riuscire in tutti questi punti farà sicuramente crescere il livello di stima da parte dei giocatori nei confronti del tecnico.

Conoscenza personale ed affiatamento coi vari giocatori della squadra:
E' molto importante creare un feeling di squadra, dove tutti i componenti andranno in campo lottando per raggiungere insieme lo stesso fine (la vittoria). L'allenamento dovrà essere divertente e allo stesso tempo competitivo aiutando cosi i giocatori a lavorare sulla psicologia cercando sempre di dare il massimo. Ci sono delle personalità di spicco all'interno di ogni gruppo, persone che con il loro carisma drag the other even if they are worse at the technical level. The leader encourages his friends, call them back if I'm wrong, it can easily be seen as a "trainer" in the field. Working this way we will see the players are always ready to give a helping hand in a difficult companion and exalting companionship particularly inspired.

personal knowledge and harmony with the various corporate executives and staff:
The company must be present, must show to the players (and coach) is there and wants to reach all the goals set at the beginning of the year. Respect the agreements made with several players, be available when needed, these are all characteristics to entice a player (or coach) to give the soul when it takes the field. Professional behaviors and increase transparency as mentioned in the paragraph to coach the estimation of the players against the company. Even if the technical staff (athletic trainer, masseur, etc. etc.) must be an integral part of this group with technical skills and the willingness to several team and individual members of society.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Différence Bond Guarantee

Foul side N ° 18

Foul deceptive side to be implemented around three quarters of the enemy camp. This scheme is a variant of the scheme "Do side N ° 17" and is proposing a new final solution.

C on the ball close to A as if it were to receive the ball in front of
but away from the ball (the finisher, good in one against one) in the middle of the area attacking

C performs an overlap back to A and points in a snap
depth D is meeting
A A passes the ball to D
Meanwhile B has come out of the area positioned at the free throw

D turns his back to the door covering the ball
(at this moment A, B and C opponents have not seen the movement of our player B because they will be certainly looking at the ball and / or keeping an eye on our player taken in depth C)

Suppose B * is due to man defender adversary * D
The center of the penalty will now be free

C sinks shooting toward the area vacated A
extends back into their half court pass the ball to A
A with a lob attempt to pass the ball to C B to its inclusion
immediately snaps to the second pole
C, received the ball may kick at goal or try B at the far post

Notes and Information:

The initial superposition of C does not need is to create a situation of tension and danger to the rear opponent. In fact in that area we have the ball, 3 players and 3 players our opponents.

B will run the output from the opposing movement being seen only by his marker in this case it will follow a man doing that B becomes a real bait.

This variation is excellent when used after you have once the scheme "Foul Side No. 17."

Friday, February 4, 2011

South Park Episodes Francais

side Foul Exercise No. 17

Foul deceptive side to be implemented around three quarters of the field and will send one of our attacking play against one to one on the edge of avversaria.

A sulla palla
C vicino ad A come se dovesse ricevere palla
D davanti ad A ma lontano dalla palla
B (il finalizzatore, bravo nell'uno contro uno) in mezzo all'area avversaria

C esegue una sovrapposizione dietro ad A e accenna uno scatto in profondità
D viene incontro ad A
A passa palla a D
Nel frattempo B è uscito dell'area posizionandosi all'altezza del tiro libero

D si gira di spalle alla porta coprendo la palla
(in questo istante A,B e C avversari non hanno visto il movimento del nostro giocatore B perchè staranno sicuramente guardando la palla e/o tenendo d'occhio il nostro giocatore C scattato in profondità)
extends back into their half court pass the ball to A
to immediately pass the ball to B

B will be just and must try to overcome his opponent to go to the opponent's goal to finalize the action.

Notes and Information:

The initial superposition of C does not need is to create a situation of tension and danger to the opponent's rearguard. In fact in that area we have the ball, 3 players and 3 players our opponents.

B will run the output from the opposing movement being seen only by its marker that probably will not mark up the free throw (leave the heart of the penalty free), allowing them to receive the ball and point

When we decide to implement this scheme we do that the player B is a fast player and good in one on one.

If B is a man after leaving the heart of the penalty free, then come into play on our player C that will sink the shot toward the vacated area, but this variation will be addressed in the next scheme "Foul side N ° 18 "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kind Hair Does Lauren London Use

goalkeepers Tyre and quickly kick

year easy and fun for the whole team (including goalkeepers).
Goalkeepers train pulls up on the reactivity close.
The players train on the shot on goal.

Two goalies go door to one another (one on the goal line and the other a little further to the center)

You put a visual barrier (so that the porters do not see the players) the edge of the penalty area with two cones on the sides.

Players start one at a time ball at his feet towards the barrier.
arrival at the barrier decide whether to go left or right and as soon as you pass the cone you try the shot on goal.

The doormen are then urged to throw a sudden because they do not see the player and do not know which way to go.

The first door (the one near the barrier) will work instinctively looking for the fastest and the parade using all parts of the body (profit split and the maximum coverage of the mirror) as soon as the player sees the exit barrier.

The other doors will have to intervene if the first fails to parry the ball, often changing trajectory of the ball is deflected and then the second goalkeeper to be careful than trying to save his door. The goalkeeper will work on speed but also having more time to see the ball in some cases may also afford a more traditional parade.

Sometimes the exercise is stopped allowing the keepers to exchange position