Monday, February 7, 2011

Différence Bond Guarantee

Foul side N ° 18

Foul deceptive side to be implemented around three quarters of the enemy camp. This scheme is a variant of the scheme "Do side N ° 17" and is proposing a new final solution.

C on the ball close to A as if it were to receive the ball in front of
but away from the ball (the finisher, good in one against one) in the middle of the area attacking

C performs an overlap back to A and points in a snap
depth D is meeting
A A passes the ball to D
Meanwhile B has come out of the area positioned at the free throw

D turns his back to the door covering the ball
(at this moment A, B and C opponents have not seen the movement of our player B because they will be certainly looking at the ball and / or keeping an eye on our player taken in depth C)

Suppose B * is due to man defender adversary * D
The center of the penalty will now be free

C sinks shooting toward the area vacated A
extends back into their half court pass the ball to A
A with a lob attempt to pass the ball to C B to its inclusion
immediately snaps to the second pole
C, received the ball may kick at goal or try B at the far post

Notes and Information:

The initial superposition of C does not need is to create a situation of tension and danger to the rear opponent. In fact in that area we have the ball, 3 players and 3 players our opponents.

B will run the output from the opposing movement being seen only by his marker in this case it will follow a man doing that B becomes a real bait.

This variation is excellent when used after you have once the scheme "Foul Side No. 17."


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