Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Geriatrics Nursing Journal

Training: Between technical work and psychology

Training is one of the basic steps for the success of a team. While training, the group of players will have to find the right feeling with the coach and the coaching staff. Andrei
to identify these four basic characteristics that develop (or should develop) during training in the course of a season for the success of a team.

- individual and team athletic training
- Feeling with the coach and his training methods
- personal knowledge and harmony with the various players
- personal knowledge and harmony with various managers and corporate staff

reached at least the findings in these four characteristics, certainly the team and his team have done a good job and the team is ready to take off satisfaction. Then during the season is normal to have ups and downs affected by such "technical limits individual compared to other higher-level opponents that we might encounter," "a few races in the absence of some leaders of the game" "physical problems in general "" particular psychological moments of some players. "
But we do not want this article to analyze these factors affect the group, but we want to deepen the four characteristics that only applies to our work during the training sessions.

individual and team athletic training: A key part
, often seen by players as the most boring exercise. You can play football at various levels to 5, however, the individual and team athletic training is very important. With a good athletic coach is that players will have an extra weapon they can use to cancel the technical limitations that may come out during a game against an opponent more technically valid, or the technician can set up your own matching game for example, stages of pressure in stages of "rest." The state athletic individual helps also the player to be more focused during a match managing to stay calm in difficult situations that may occur and / or take advantage of opponents in apparent difficulty efficiency. I always recommend if you use a professional trainer who knows how to coach together to draw up a training program suited to the group available. This part of training, however, should not be too boring, or you risk that the group of players does not perform the best exercises. It 'makes sense that here you have to work hard but you can do with games, teams with goals (creating a winning mentality to the combined athletics), exercises using the ball etc etc.. In short, there are many ways to workout but keep the threshold high for fun (key).

Feeling with the coach and his training methods:
The coach must be seen as the leader of the group of players and the players should view it as a leader.
There are various ways to stand against a group of players, but it is essential to a professional and impartial treatment to all. These two features are essential and will bring transparency in the work of a coach. There must be some pupils (may be there, but it is better if this thing is not to see the rest of the group it with any public statements).
rules sometimes Ferree, who does not train does not play, who does not apply to training does not play. Always write down (in front of the players) are present and those absent in the training, you always know how a player fails to report to training or to delay the session, occasionally grooming the players (even the leader) when something is wrong and applaud and encourage those who are doing well. All these are but trifles behavioral invite the group to follow and believe in the technical. Then there is the purely technical side, a coach must be prepared, with his teachings and his methods of play must be seen to be able to solve any situation that is too complex that occurs during a race, risolvere una partita applicando uno schema oppure saper bloccare eventuali talenti che ci sono in una squadra avversaria. Riuscire in tutti questi punti farà sicuramente crescere il livello di stima da parte dei giocatori nei confronti del tecnico.

Conoscenza personale ed affiatamento coi vari giocatori della squadra:
E' molto importante creare un feeling di squadra, dove tutti i componenti andranno in campo lottando per raggiungere insieme lo stesso fine (la vittoria). L'allenamento dovrà essere divertente e allo stesso tempo competitivo aiutando cosi i giocatori a lavorare sulla psicologia cercando sempre di dare il massimo. Ci sono delle personalità di spicco all'interno di ogni gruppo, persone che con il loro carisma drag the other even if they are worse at the technical level. The leader encourages his friends, call them back if I'm wrong, it can easily be seen as a "trainer" in the field. Working this way we will see the players are always ready to give a helping hand in a difficult companion and exalting companionship particularly inspired.

personal knowledge and harmony with the various corporate executives and staff:
The company must be present, must show to the players (and coach) is there and wants to reach all the goals set at the beginning of the year. Respect the agreements made with several players, be available when needed, these are all characteristics to entice a player (or coach) to give the soul when it takes the field. Professional behaviors and increase transparency as mentioned in the paragraph to coach the estimation of the players against the company. Even if the technical staff (athletic trainer, masseur, etc. etc.) must be an integral part of this group with technical skills and the willingness to several team and individual members of society.



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