Tuesday, November 17, 2009

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Candra from none to man! 17/11/2009


PESCARA, November 14, 2009 - Candreva, who was he? It will not be known as the Don Carneades Abbondio of Manzoni, but the 22-year-old Roman, who will make his debut tonight against the Netherlands national team, is a mysterious subject for many fans, and even for some experts. Try to draw the identikit, and see why Lippi granted him immediate confidence.

DAWN OF A BLUE - Antonio grew up in the youth of Lodi, then made his debut in Serie B with Ternana, 2004-05 season. Ends up in the crosshairs of a society that young people can often find them interesting at first, Udinese, which debuted in Serie A, even against Inter, the January 27, 2008. But scores only 10 'in three league games in which he sets foot on the field. In the meantime, she continues drawing in all the youth representative blue. Join the Beijing Olympics at the last minute, instead of Rocchi, injured last minute. To find continuity of use is on loan to Livorno in Serie B. In Tuscany, played a good season, but not loud, in Livorno. At the end of which won promotion to Serie A, but skip the final two of the playoffs to play the final stage of European Under-21 ". This year, more in Livorno - with right to repurchase the loan - the bang. Intended as a breakthrough.

cadrete — La consacrazione arriva in una settimana. E se il debutto in massima serie è stato illustre, contro l’Inter, le partite che gli fanno guadagnare la ribalta sono nientemeno che contro Milan e Juventus. "Mi ha impressionato con il Milan - ha detto ieri Lippi - poi l’ho fatto seguire". Contro i rossoneri - il 12 settembre 2009 - gioca alla grande dunque, nonostante sulla maglia abbia scritto il nome sbagliato: Cadreva, e non Candreva. Lì, in quella partita, passa da signor nessuno a osservato speciale dell’Italia. Una settimana più tardi, il 19 settembre, il suo Livorno affonda a Torino con la Juventus: ne becca quattro, a zero, anche per colpa, guarda il caso, di un Buffon paratutto che is now back as his goalkeeper. But talent is confirmed Candreva interesting.

role and future - with an outstanding role: was born as a playmaker in the past played by a second striker and nell'Udinese out loud, but Livorno carousel inside left and even as a director, recently. Like many clubs: Zola, who has coached in the staff-21, I wanted to bring in England - said the newspaper side of the channel -. We'll see after this season if he will return to Udine or even soar to a first strip club in Italy. We'll see.

confidence lippi - certainly won the coach for the technical skills, jump man con facilità, ha piedi buoni, insomma è un centrocampista di qualità che il tecnico viareggino ha definito "completo", ma anche per la tranquillità fuori dal campo, il profilo basso. Anche nelle dichiarazioni. Alla Borghesiana, il giorno del raduno azzurro, ha dichiarato: "Una prima volta bellissima in azzurro, non me l’aspettavo, è un sogno che si avvera. Questa convocazione è un punto di partenza, ma non penso al Sudafrica".

i piani del c.t. — Ci pensa invece Lippi, che deve dare gli ultimi ritocchi al gruppo dei 23 che giocheranno il prossimo, imminente, Mondiale. Lui che in questi giorni ha ribadito l’apertura the new spreads, also, perhaps, to demonstrate that the exclusion of Cassano is an only child, and taking into account the particulars of the championship: "I really like young people today are children of the times. We can not think that young people now are equal to those of 20 or 30 years ago despite having no great example, young people are very mature. " Certainly few people that gave instant in time trust. All quality: De Rossi, Rossi and Marchisio. Now it Candreva.

Source: gazzetta.it

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Pazzini: "NO! Amauri to the national team. "


Pazzini against Amauri blue
"Situation that bothers me "

striker's withdrawal from the National:" I understand if one is half Italian and half Brazilian, if an account is not really Italian at all. " The response of spruce, "If a player is an Italian citizen has every right to be called"

Cervia (Ravenna), November 16, 2009 - She left the race in last place for the World Cup blues and Giampaolo Pazzini played his chances against Sweden on Wednesday in Cesena, as center owner. Among the rivals for a place in South Africa but there is also Amauri, the Brazilian striker for Juventus pending passport. "Right now I do not feel run-off with Amauri because I'm Italian and he is Brazilian - said the Sampdoria striker -. I must confess that this situation is a bit 'bothers me. I understand if one is half Italian and half Brazilian, if an account is not really Italian at all. "

responds fir - At the outlet of Pazzini responded indirectly Giancarlo Abete, president of the Football Federation: "Today is a national benchmark. A player, whether it is an Italian citizen, has every right to be brought in the National Assembly. There is a political federation, which tends not to expand unduly the presence of players not born in Italy. The same coach Marcello Lippi has said repeatedly that it was a situation limited to a few players. We do not want to lose our identity, but we do not want to discriminate, "he said speaking on" Politics in the ball "on GR Parliament.

no other grafts - a green light to indirect Amauri has long approached the national team, but also a stop to the voices that speak of a possible naturalization of Mauro Zarate, Lazio's Argentine striker. "The player's agent and brother sends messages - Abete said - I do not know if you send them to us or to the federation in Argentina. No officer of the federation Italian spoke with Zarate: expect to be denied ... I do not think that individual federal managers are moving into these situations without having heard the top. "

Source: gazzetta.it

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17/11/2009 Under 21 in Luxembourg Casiraghi, last call! 17/11/2009


LONDON, November 16, 2009 - Last call, last call for Pierluigi Casiraghi: Luxembourg is not alternative. We must win to continue to pursue a difficult comeback in the group, qualifying for the finals and with it the hope of the Olympiad 2012 in London. Also by winning, will other victories on the card more difficult, and some braking by the two fugitives, Wales and Hungary. But a different result would virtually end hopes of the word and also on the bluish-21 former striker on the bench for Juve, Lazio and Chelsea.


THE SITUATION - After the defeat against Hungary's situation is desperate Quai: In the last four games we should recover five or nine points on Hungarians over Wales (which has more than one race ). Everything to close at least seconds, and then hope for a repechage: considered twelve points (4 wins) in addition to the four current, one would arrive at 16. The repechage is not granted, but possible. After the Luxembourg there is only one away, in Bosnia, and the two big-match at home, with Hungary and Wales. Many accounts do, but they all go for the win tomorrow. Otherwise, by the race to succeed as coach of the Under. the federal president Giancarlo Abete has glissando today: "There's still tomorrow's match, the classification is difficult but not impossible." The main candidate to succeed is Francesco Rocca, ct-20 in Egypt also has played with Hungary (eight elevenths-21 that beat us were the same as the Under-20), leading to extra time with players ranking under various De Silvestri, Santon and Balotelli.

"head high" - Casiraghi, however, does not give up, despite the trip to Luxembourg is not a race for granted (Wales drew and Hungary have won just 1-0) and despite the many defections: six will be absent, with Balotelli disqualified, Frogley, Paloschi, Di Gennaro and Bellusci injured, and Poli affected. The coach raised: "I work with serenity and tranquility, consistent with my ideas and conscious of being able to watch all the eyes in his head high. Against Hungary we had a good game in some respects but bad in other ways. Needless to stay in recriminations, we analyzed the errors, but now we turn the page. Certo, mancano sei giocatori che sono fondamentali per questa squadra anche dal punto di vista dell'esperienza, in pratica il 60% della formazione base. Ma sono sicuro che i sostituti ce la metteranno tutta. Faremo la nostra partita e poi tireremo le somme".


Fonte: gazzetta.it

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Liverpool, Real Madrid and Barcelona Torres untouchable on Fabregas! 17/11/2009


LONDRA (Gb), 17 novembre 2009 - Fernando Torres non si muoverà da Liverpool nemmeno di fronte ad un’offerta di oltre 110 milioni di euro. Parola di Rafa Benitez che, in un’intervista esclusiva al Times, ha detto chiaro e tondo che se il bomber spagnolo verrà ceduto per ripianare the debts of the club (which now total 276 million euro), he will follow, perhaps even moving to Real Madrid that he has never hidden its meaning to the bench. "I'm sure this event will never happen - Rafa said - but if it happens, I'd go." The coach also defended the choice of Alberto Aquilani ("take it was a bargain, because it came to just under EUR 20 million and with a contract for 5 years) and has reassured fans that the team" will improve ". Liverpool.

terry worried - but if Torres could also remain Reds, will not be equally for Javier Mascherano which, according to the Daily Star, has already an agreement with Barcelona for 40 million euro. In truth, the azulgrana would want as early as January, but Benitez would veto, however, resigned to losing him next summer for a figure around 34 million €. However, those who buy and immediately invokes John Terry: If not, Chelsea can also say goodbye to the title. And if the Sun described as the 'top targets, "the Everton midfielder Jack Rodwell (price, € 18 million), the playmaker Andrea Pirlo (22.5 million euro) and striker Sergio Aguero (20 million €) The Daily Star comes to offering a combination of more than 56 million € per David Villa del Valencia e Sergio Ramos del Real Madrid.


TuttI vogliono Fabregas — Spostandosi in casa United, qui più che di Red Devils ora si parla di “red e basta”, nel senso di debiti, tanto che, stando al Sun, la famiglia americana Glazer avrebbero deciso una serie di misure drastiche per contenere i costi. Quanto alla squadra, l’ipotesi di cedere in prestito a gennaio il ribelle Nani sembra difficile, perché Sir Alex Ferguson ha bisogno di fare cassa. Meglio sarebbe ottenere subito i 17 milioni di euro che il club pretende per il portoghese. E dopo Juventus e Milan, ecco spuntare sul Daily Mirror l’ipotesi Fiorentina, interessata a loan of 6 months to be processed later in the final, not to mention Inter. And speaking of Inter, will not be so happy at home black and blue of the advice that Arsene Wenger has given the French radio RTL, to fellow countryman Patrick Vieira: that is, spring Inter in January if they do not want to miss the World Cup. But the Alsatian would perhaps be better to look at home, since, as reported by the Daily Star, next summer Real Madrid and Barcelona would be ready to battle to the sound of millions (probably at least 67) for the captain of ' Arsenal, Cesc Fabregas.

Source: gazzetta.it

Monday, November 16, 2009

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Italia, adesso c'è la Svezia Pazzini show in amichevole! 16/11/2009


Cervia (Ravenna), November 15 2009 - On par with the Netherlands is already behind. Italy begins preparing anti Sweden, next Wednesday's opponents, and does so by moving from Pescara to Milan Marittima. First training session in Cervia, after the morning transfer by bus. Session fresh and humid in the spotlight. Started at 15.40. Without Buffon, Cannavaro, Zambrotta and Andrea Pirlo, who left the withdrawal light blue, as expected. Spared from further efforts.

poker pazzini - The blues are so left in 21. Chiellini, Grosso, Candreva, Palombo, Camoranesi, Palladino, Gilardino and Rossi, the holders of the first successor yesterday, more precisely, "Pepito", you are limited to a tiring session. The others, after heating, they played Student's friendly against the national Cesena: two-stroke 35 '. Thus arrayed, in a 4-3-3: De Sanctis; May (Cassani), Legrottaglie, Bocchetti, Criscito; Biondini, Montolivo, Galloppa, Marchionni, Pazzini, Di Natale. It 's over - at 17.10 - 01.07: Poker Pazzini and goals from Di Natale, May and Cassani, for the Romagna network Valente. Against Sweden, Ibrahimovic orphan, Cesena there is a large turnover, as announced yesterday, from Lippi after a 0-0 draw with Holland.

Source: gazzetta.it

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La sintesi e i risultati delle partite di Serie B! 16/11/2009.

LONDON, November 15, 2009 - Continue the swirl of names at the top of classifica di serie B. Nel pomeriggio c'era di nuovo l'Ancona, che ha regolato il Vicenza (2-0). Con in scia il Cesena che ha espugnato Mantova con Antonioli protagonista assoluto grazie a due rigori parati. Il Toro invece soffre il Piacenza del nuovo tecnico Ficcadenti e non va al di là dello 0-0. Tre punti in trasferta per il Gallipoli di Giannini che va a vincere a Cittadella.

ancona-vicenza 2-0 — Sessanta secondi netti. Tanto basta all'Ancona per fare due gol, tornare alla vittoria e riprendersi la leadership di questa serie B, in attesa del posticipo di stasera Lecce-Padova. Il ko di Crotone è già dimenticato. Salvioni contro il Vicenza chiedeva il necessario riscatto e così è stato. Anche se il Vicenza, at least initially, did a little 'suffer the Ancona. Maran was presented with the usual 4-3-1-2, but with two strikers (Bjelanovic and Sgrigna) very large, a bit 'to stop the possible advanced full-backs and dell'Ancona bit' to give a hint of unpredictability the incursions of Botta, attacking midfielder by trade. But the certainties of Vicenza have crumbled to 24 'and 25'. First hit Mastronunzio - not marked by October 27th - and then Miramontes. All within a minute. The Vicenza tried to back into the game, but could not. Even the replacement of Maran (in Fabiano, and Misuraca Sestu) have managed to change the course of events. Indeed in the second half the Ancona had opportunities to make even its richer booty with a wild Mastronunzio (Fortin and cross the said no). Deserved victory and the temporary record. The Ancona could not find a better way to introduce himself to what, in the city, is the game of the year: the derby with Ascoli, scheduled next Saturday at the Del Duca. (Matteo Massi)

lecce-Padova 2-1 - The first of Lecce is the signature of precious Giuseppe Vives. The median in the signature field 39 'of the second half of the winning goal comeback after a balanced Corvia (6 centers) to the goals of the Venetian Jidayi. The Giallorossi are enhanced in the first half: De Canio square the French playmaker Bergougnoux to obscure the source of the game of the Veneto Italian, which fails to give the pace of play. Lecce is exalted in attack inspired by the Alps and the racing Angelo. We think Agliardi to shut the door on shots by Angelo and Defendi, claiming a penalty kick (naivete Trevisan). The Padova wakes up with the gongs played by Rabito with a catapult that sends to 37 'pt the ball on the pole. The goals coming in the second half. The Padova Jidayj goes ahead with a shot from outside the area to 17 'st. Then missing with a doubling of the distance Di Nardo (Rosati deviates in angle). And 25 'st get the equalizer on a penalty kick Corvia (Defendi felled by Cesar, who takes his second yellow card and ejected). In overwhelming numbers, the Salento try doubling up the ball and become inactive hazardous with Giuliatto. But the seal of victory is signed with a shot from distance Vives, which consolidates the Lecce at the top with a strip of six results in a row (5 wins and a draw). For the Padua Sabatini is the second in the league after the defeat of Crotone. (Pasquale Marzotto).

citadel-gallipoli 1-2 - The Gallipoli conquer the "bingo", is slightly ahead of a fasting Citadel of wins for over a month. Both teams in emergency defense, the Citadel is missing the central pair Pesoli-Cherubin, but absent in Gallipoli Abbate and Franchini, but at least initially the grenade Foscarini who accuse the greater weight of absences. The Gallipoli, in fact, cause problems for the hosts early in the first minutes, and the advantage was not long in coming: the 13 'angle Scaglia and ball at the far post, Carter pulls Pallante, the referee is strict. Broom from the spot displaces Villanova. The Citadel suffers but he raised his head with every passing minute, and 26 'turn of Iunco finished just wide. Two minutes later Iunco is pushed in the area by Sosa, there seems to be a foul but the referee is playing. The rigor Calvarese the whistle at 39 'when Oliveira is tight in the area by two players on the ground and ruin: Curiale converted from the spot. The Gallipoli and almost no spring the advantage with Di Carmine, who committed to Villanova difficult to divert for a corner. From the corner of the bar, breaks sub-Ginestra and bags. In Gallipoli start shooting again in evidence: Manucci save on the shot line Di Carmine, on the conclusion of the rebated Villanova deviates Mancini. Ardelean's entry in the Citadel gives a little 'of liveliness in the attack, but only the stroke of a free-kick to Pettinari 19' engages Sciarrone. (Simone Prai)

mantua-Cesena 0-1 - Match the incredible Martelli. The Mantua literally dominates the first time the surprising pace at Cesena, building and wasting at least seven clear scoring chances, thanks to the vein Antonioli's (40 years) which, inter alia para rigor Carrus to 13 '. But then scoring with Horses, Locatelli (large parade Antonioli) twice and still Nassi Cavalli. The Cesena? Practically nothing in attack, he gritted his teeth coming to rest in distress. In the beginning recovery scenario seems the same with the hosts that overwhelm the guests but the 17 'Bucchi, in the field from a few minutes, he headed goal from open play from a corner. Gervasoni Two minutes later hit the post in the same melee and shortly after Bucchi is forced to go out for a muscle ailment. The Cesena was reorganized a bit 'stings and counterattack, but the press in search of Mantua tie. We test ancora Cavalli al 40’ ed in pieno recupero, tra il parapiglia generale, Velotto vede un altro rigore a favore del Mantova: stavolta va lo specialista Caridi ma Antonioli anche in questo caso chiude la porta e salva i tre punti per la sua squadra. (Alberto Sogliani)

modena-crotone 0-2 — Il Crotone si toglie dalle zone a rischio del fondo classifica grazie alla terza vittoria consecutiva sul campo di un Modena tradito dal nerovosismo, ma anche penalizzato dalla decisioni dell'arbitro Giancola di Vasto, che mostra un eccesso di protagonismo. Le reti tutte nella ripresa quando il Modena si è trovato in inferiorità numerica per l'espulsione di Diagouraga al 44' pt per doppia ammonizione. Prima è stato Mazzarani with a back-heel to open the scoring then Abruzzese was at 22 'to round the edge. Even more uphill road to Modena when the 39 'Pinardi, which came in place of White, was expelled for offenses directly to the referee. It is always about red cards, also expelled Apolloni and the team manager Montepietra house, at 32 'to protest. For the Modena is the third home defeat of the season. Without Bruno and Louise, the home gialloblù went close to scoring at 14 'when the header of a sure Girardi, Concepts saved his door with a miraculous intervention. Again, the dangerous striker at home to 21 'and once again secure the response of the goalkeeper. In the second half il Crotone, raramente insidioso nella prima parte, è passato subito in vantaggio, sfiorando il raddoppio con Petrilli (entrato al posto dell'infortunato Zito) e Morleo. Sul gol di Abruzzese partita praticamenete finita. Il Modena ha vivacemente protestato anche a fine partite nei confronti dell'arbitro. (Paolo Reggianini)

piacenza-torino 0-0 — Un Piacenza rigenerato dalla cura Ficcadenti sfiora l'impresa contro un Torino molle e prevedibile, che subisce per più di un'ora la maggiore rapidità e intraprendenza della squadra di casa, brava a restare corta e a tenere in mano il gioco. Piacenza vicino al gol nel primo tempo con Guerra (a lato da posizione felicissima) e ancora di più nella ripresa: Calderoni first free-kick through the small area and hit the post, Moscardelli try to surprise 40-yard Sereni that puts one foot in extremis, yet good on Sereni Parfait and 29 'Bini shot from a step without finding the door. Colantuono pasa to 4-3-3 and benefits before and then nearly Zoboli mock the young Ficcadenti. In the final Rivalta ejected for a second yellow card. (Paul Gentilotti)

Trieste-Ascoli 2-0 - the sixth consecutive helpful for Triestina under the guidance of Mario Somma: three wins at home, three draws away the budget from English media. But the success with the Ascoli was not as easy as the score indicated. Once you have committed il portiere alabardato in una difficile parata, con il palo a risolvere la situazione, l’Ascoli si è affossato con Marino, che atterrando in area Godeas ha provocato un rigore messo a segno dallo stesso Godeas. La reazione degli ospiti non si è fatta attendere, ma Agazzi è apparso insuperabile, alle spalle di una difesa già di per sé molto abile. Su calcio di punizione battuto con molta forza, Godeas ha visto successivamente il pallone stamparsi sul palo, e stessa fine ha fatto il suo tiro dal dischetto su altro rigore concesso dall’arbitro Celi per fallo su Stankovic da parte di Gazzola, espulso quale ultimo uomo. Situazione immutata nella ripresa, per l’assetto delle due squadre, ma l’Ascoli, pur ridotto in dieci, attacked very effectively to the decision by opposing actions of Trieste on the counterattack. Doubling is a bravura piece of Godeas, and on the ground after having fouled continued its concluding with a long lob from distance that surprised goalkeeper Frezzolini. Bays led the last assault on two fronts: the score is not changed. (Dante Ragogna)

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Lippi: “Per il mondiale del Sud Africa, mancano ancora 6 post!i” 16/11/2009


Cervia (Ravenna), November 15, 2009 - Lippi has one goal in mind: to choose the last five to six players to take on South Africa. The coach is considering a shortlist of names also and especially in these friendlies in November, from with the Netherlands yesterday, the next with Sweden. So now for some rest senator, and space for new faces, or when running or revision.

sweden - "There will be many changes. Besides, if I do this verification is at the moment. " Buffon, Cannavaro, Zambrotta and Andrea Pirlo play so many games that I can get them if I do catch his breath. There are 16-17 players already know the place for the World Cup, the rest is well chosen and calibrated based on roles, to get a pink uniform. Candreva for example, can play Perrotta. From now I only midfielder Marchisio.

favorites - "The Favored Brazil for the World Cup? Always. Are now favored Brazil and Spain. But it will be important to have the right things in the month that counts. "

Marcello Lippi at Pescara during the friendly against Holland. Afp

spark - "We still lack the spark? But no, we do not need to find a great match for conviction. There's only appointment to approach the world peacefully. They are used matches that remain to National and club teams in South Africa to bring a rose proper. And then get to that point in good condition athletics. "

few Tiria - Yesterday, the Netherlands, on both sides. "The teams canceled each other out. But we have given even less of them. "

Gattuso - "If you are worried about his injuries? There are 7 months. I am confident that the best recoveries. Biondini? E 'is good because I called. "

Santon and red - not through a great moment. "Rossi yesterday I saw well after a difficult period, including the difficulties encountered by Villarreal. Santon, unfortunately, is playing very little. I hope that play a little bit more compatible with the needs of the whole. "

the invader in Pescara - "I do not care what he did, or what he had written on the jersey, maybe you should be more careful controls. But do not give a damn even if this story becomes a national catchphrase, and if you invent a TV broadcast the story of the punch of my son. My outburst was born in Parma do not report the name of cash, but the chorus "go to work," I defended my team. Legrottaglie said he was sorry the boos? We are sorry, yes, do not like. But not disturbed. Mica also there will be some Superman in South Africa? ".

Source: gazzetta.it

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Juve-Milan, sfida mercato Il premio è Nani del Mancheter United! 16/11/2009


LONDON, November 16, 2009 - Last week, Nani was vented on the "Sun", describing his relationship with Sir Alex Ferguson and not blaming the technician to "ruin his career." Phrases that the Scot had not quite appreciated and that they had opened more than a glimpse of the star goodbye Portuguese as early as next January.

LA JUVE WANT IT NOW, THE MILAN IN JUNE - Destination? Juventus or Milan, at least according to still hear the "Sun", which asserts that the two Italian clubs are ready a darsi battaglia per il 22enne Nani. A quanto si legge, i bianconeri punterebbero al prestito immediato, con diritto di riscatto a fine stagione per una cifra non lontana dai 16 milioni di euro, mentre i rossoneri preferirebbero prendere Nani a giugno dell’anno prossimo, quando scadrà il prestito di sei mesi di David Beckham. Ma in Premier League non c’è solo l’ex giocatore dello Sporting Lisbona a sfogliare la margherita del “vado non vado” e ad essere scontento della scarsa considerazione di cui gode all’interno della sua squadra.


EDUARDO: IDEA LIVERPOOL? — Anche il bomber dell’Arsenal, Eduardo, viene segnalato con the black humor that most can not. Blame the late renewal of a contract that still offered to be his (actually, he still had 18 months on the current arrangement) and use the dropper that Arsene Wenger's reserves (and part owner just 3 times). From there, the crazy idea of \u200b\u200btrying to Liverpool's bid of € 11 million for the Brazilian, given the physical problems of Fernando Torres.

van Persie BREAK: THREE MONTHS OUT - But the dream of Rafa Benitez, revealed by the Sunday " News of the World," has been shattered because the Takla between Giorgio Chiellini and Robin Van Persie in 'friendly between Italy and the Netherlands, which claimed the rupture of the ligaments of the ankle to the Arsenal striker. A first, and very optimistic diagnosis, married to the same Van Persie, talking about 4-6 weeks to stop, but as the hours passed, and after the examinations made by the Dutch specialist Niek van Dijk Professor Cornelis, the clairvoyant who already made Cristiano Ronaldo, Ruud van Nistelrooy and Michael Owen seems to stop a looming much longer, ranging from three months of the "Daily Star " the entire season as postulated by the "Sun . However, all the tabloid agree on one thing: with Nicklas Bendtner out until the new year after the operation groin and knee problems that plague Theo Walcott, Wenger is unlikely to give approval to the transfer of Eduardo, plus a direct competitor. More likely, however, that the Gunners do shopping during the repair market and the first name on the list is that of Moroccan Marouane Chamakh of Bordeaux, vainly chased all summer.

Source: gazzetta.it

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È ufficiale: Beckham a gennaio torna al Milan! 16/11/2009


LONDON, Nov. 2 - David Beckham will be back in January to be a Milan player. The confirmation of the end of the talks was given by AC Milan and the Los Angeles Galaxy e l'inglese firmerà fino al giugno del 2010. « Siamo molto felici di rivedere con la maglia rossonera David Beckham dopo la splendida esperienza della scorsa stagione - ha detto l'amministratore delegato rossonero Adriano Galliani -. Siamo sicuri che questo periodo in Europa aiuterà il giocatore a partecipare ai prossimi Campionati del Mondo e a proseguire successivamente la carriera nei Los Angeles Galaxy ai quali va il nostro ringraziamento per la disponibilità dimostrata ».
« Ho bisogno della migliore chance possibile per partecipare alla Coppa del Mondo e giocare in prestito al Milan mi aiuterà a farlo » ha commentato Beckham dopo l'ufficialità del suo ritorno in prestito al Milan a partire da gennaio. « Mi sono davvero divertito al Milan e aspetto di unirmi di nuovo alla squadra - si legge sul sito dei Galaxy -. Ringrazio Tim Leiweke e Bruce Arena che mi hanno dato questa opportunità. Io sono sotto contratto con il Galaxy e con la MLS nel lungo periodo a sono interessato come prima a far crescere il calcio in America. Voglio a tutti i costi finire la stagione in un modo molto positivo con il mio club vincendo la Mls Cup ».

Fonte: tuttosport.com

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Ancellotti: “ Aguero? Uno dei migliori giocatori al mondo! “


MADRID, 3 novembre - Il suo Chelsea è all'esame Atletico Madrid e allora Ancelotti non perde l'occasione to wink at Kun Aguero, not too hidden objective of Abramovich's Blues, should be suspended from suspension from the market that blocks the London club from buying or selling players: "Aguero is one of the best strikers in the world. A very important player, with great quality and very young. All clubs would like to have players of this type, but now for Chelsea would be very difficult to make any kind of maneuver to be able to sign him "

Source: tuttosport.com

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pokemon Deluge Newest Training Accounts

(This post was originally published as a guide on the forum Astrofili.org, then re-edited and published on the blog "Mammal Biped", now I think I can feel good here too ... the cut is less technical than the usual post, I hope not "stone" too)

After the trip to the Canaries and awakening passion for ancient Astronomy I spent the end of August or early September to fight a worm that gnawed my head. "You need a tool largest ," said that worm, "you have to get a dobson, it is useless to insist spremer out an 8" that you can not give more . "All true, undeniable, except that the logistical problems of running a heavier telescope and cumbersome to me seemed insurmountable.

Plagued by woodworm I tried to ask people who had already spent questioning the forum of Italian amateurs , with the sole result of rain to see me in the head and neck offer those to which it is molto difficile resistere: un 12" usato in ottime condizioni messo in vendita da un astrofilo spinto dall'inquinamento luminoso ad abbandonare l'osservazione visuale per dedicarsi alla fotografia del cielo stellato.

Ci ho ragionato su un paio di giorni, solo per realizzare che era una decisione di fondo già presa. Ho mandato al diavolo i " problemi logistici " e mi sono fatto spedire il " mostro " da Crotone. Giovedì scorso me lo sono andato a prendere alla fermata del pullman, ho chiesto ospitalità ai miei cognati per poter disporre di una terrazza e l'ho tirato su di fronte ai miei nipoti esterrefatti. L'effetto era questo:

The " test" (if it can be defined) made under a polluted sky of class Bortle 8 , I was informed on key issues: The instrument weights , dimensions, need for frequent realignment of the optics, however, is only dimly perceive its potential observation. I just had to get a decent sky, and I intended to have the opportunity over the weekend

On Saturday morning I monitored the situation since the weather is not very exciting. The comings and goings of clouds, the time variable, sparse rainfall, non sono riusciti a dissuadermi dal desiderio di correre a Campo Felice per mettere alla prova il giocattolo nuovo. L'incertezza climatica ed il brevissimo preavviso mi hanno spinto a rinunciare all'idea di coinvolgere altre persone, e l'unica ad accompagnarmi fin lassù è stata la mia dolce metà, Emanuela, immagino più preoccupata di pensarmi da solo in cima ad una montagna di notte che entusiasta per l'idea di una nottata osservativa (con un telescopio, oltretutto, vissuto più che altro come un nuovo ingombro dentro casa).

La scommessa sulla situazione meteo è stata totale: al momento di caricare lo strumento in macchina i nuvoloni che si andavano addensando sulla città hanno prodotto un acquazzone estivo micidiale, that has strained the trust of his wife in my extrapolations based on METEOSAT and webcam. However along the way, it became clear that the cloud cover did not extend to the surrounding mountains. We had all the prerequisites for a satisfying evening observing.

And it was not. The sky of Campo Felice has appeared to us in an evening of grace, even on the rainy afternoon that cleared the air. I could estimated class Bortle 4, except that now I feel inadequate to the scale of Bortle the skies at high altitude, where the greater transparency of the air makes some objects more visible even in the presence of light pollution . For example, the zenith la Via Lattea nel Cigno era poco dissimile da quella osservata alle Canarie, mentre la situazione peggiorava nettamente per la parte di cielo più prossima all'orizzonte.

Ma l'osservazione al telescopio, quella era decisamente da urlo.

Il passaggio ad uno strumento di diametro superiore è sempre del suo sconvolgente (mi era già successo passando dai 4,5" del vetusto newton Skymaster 114/900 ad un diametro quasi doppio), ma non potevo immaginare l'abisso tra il mio precedente 8", strumento peraltro onestissimo, ed il Lightbridge. Il mio cielo è cambiato, il mio modo di pensarlo è cambiato, le mie aspettative sono cambiate e nulla potrà più essere come prima.

Alcune cose will surely put a log. For the first time I experienced the problems of thermal stabilization of the mirror (clear beginning, the blurred images, the convective cells generated from the hot surface of the primary mirror), and also accommodate a Red Dot pointer (".. . Chili Peppers ", as suggested by Manu) instead of the classic Finder is not just banal: a red cross point between the stars and find objects in the eyepiece is something unexpected, even for an amateur sailing.

However the coupling between the instrument and the large-diameter wide field eyepieces has irreversibly changed my perception of the sky, and I think also that of Manu, that perhaps for the first time it was really fascinated by objects that were watching.

The most trivial to note was the difference in what I said leaving the eye to see it. With the previous 8 "there was a whole series of statements," notes so and so, you should see an object of this type (small, large, concentrated, diffused, etc. ...) . "I said just now: " look! , "and she had to explain what he was seeing. The difference is mainly this: with a 12" items you see, do not go " searched for" no go " glimpsed " no go " imagined, and there are enough, forcefully, in the center of the eyepiece.

The truck has traveled quickly on objects " usual" summer sky, now " usual", however most were not, showing new details, nuances, and a different relationship with the starry background. The Lagoon Nebula, Trifid, Omega, the Ring nebula in Lyra, the Wild Duck Cluster in the Shield, the Dumbbell, the magnificent globular cluster M13 in Hercules, the Andromeda galaxy M31 with its outline to dwarf companions, the Veil in Cygnus, a sprinkling of open clusters in Cassiopeia, the Whirlpool galaxy M51 were unfortunately low on the horizon ... and then, for the first time in many years, started the hunt for things unseen.

This is another major difference compared to 8 ", not only objects" classics "are much more detailed and interesting, but those" children "begin to have their own reason. The tiny galaxies and nebulae that in an instrument smaller than even I was surprised that "you could see " (at the beginning we are content just slightly), now beginning to show interesting forms. Even the globular clusters, which are stored until the day before yesterday as " all the same, just a little 'bigger or smaller " and reduced to observations of M13 that "at least you see something " improvvisamente erano divenuti oggetti affascinanti: più concentrati o più diffusi, nascosti dietro un velo di stelle o sospesi nel vuoto, lontani, vicini... insomma è ripartita l'esplorazione.

Ho quindi aperto sul cofano dell'auto le fotocopie del " Tirion Sky Atlas 2000.0 " (n.b.: ho anche l'originale, ma teme l'umidità...) vecchie di oltre vent'anni ed in disuso da più o meno altrettanto tempo. Avevo acquistato le mappe ai tempi lontani del "114/900" per trovare le sfuggenti nebulose usando le stelle di riferimento. Poi, con l'8" ed il computerino per il puntamento assistito avevo preso l'abitudine di portarmi dietro solo degli elenchi (ed in quel modo, ora me ne rendo conto, parte the "magic " was gone).

The old atlas, resurrected, now shone a new light. I began to focus all non-stellar objects shown on the maps for the first time without worrying that they were too weak for my instrument. It has left out the most! The amount of observable objects has increased exponentially.

sensitive and brilliant planetary nebulae, globular clusters, open clusters, galaxies, objects that do not belong to me for years have resurfaced most of the maps with ink to show how diaphanous ghosts floating between the stars. My sky is changed, the old passion, powered by the new instrument, was rekindled. Saturday

Unfortunately we underestimated the cold mountain and its deleterious effects. After only a couple of hours, go hopping from one wonder to another, a chill wind and sharp pain is contrasted with a dress too "optimistic " had reason for my enthusiasm. When I started shivering, I had to surrender to the impossibility to continue the observations. But

" c'est ne pas qu'un debut ... , now that I've tasted the observation" deep sky "with an appropriate instrument at last I think it will be very difficult to go back, and at least one end week per month will end nicely sacrificed to the reborn passion.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

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A simple method for analyzing light pollution

In describing the light pollution of the Three Peaks lacks the analysis with the contours of the intensity of the sky but I did article on Peralba (for the Three Peaks I did because I think that the night is not the typical situation).
The contour lines were obtained in Mathematica , drawing the picture in RAW linear exported. E ', however, can get something similar in a simple way: just turn the photo into 16 levels of gray. The photo above is an example here. Compared Mathematica is lost in the association-level intensity surface, but this type of processing is still useful to understand how far the light pollution from spreading and that direction is.
For example, in the process here can be easily distinguished above the dome of light separated from the group of Udine the Venetian plain. It is also seen, despite the free horizon makes it more obvious the dome of Udine, than those of the Veneto plain stretching a bit 'higher up and over a wider horizon. So the bulk of light pollution in the Three Peaks comes from the Veneto plain. From the site of observation the horizon in that direction is a bit 'hidden so perhaps it is missing. However, it is clear that a few hundred feet above the air is illuminated for the most part from this source. This confirms
maps Cinzano, who say that the more you go east (away from the plains) and better (even better would be to go to the North East).
It 'also interesting to observe how the dome light and the Auronzo Misurina not come even horizon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Holidays In The United Kingdom

Forget Bortle 1

In the photo up here I did the same type of survey done for the Peralba . This is a panoramic photo taken at 2.30 am on 23 August (same exposure parameters and the same processing mode - click to enlarge).
Conditions Weather was not favorable: south over the plain there were clouds all night and this is the best time (but you can still see some haze).
I scored major polluted areas. From East to West, we have:
Tomezzo, Udine and 60 km to 130 km. It 's interesting comparison with the same direction from Peralba Udine (75 km instead of 130). Three Peaks to the horizon is free and you can see more pollution, but at the same height as the light seems stronger this time, and since the distance is almost double the number may be assigned only to bad weather.
between Udine and Pordenone is the Friulian plain, which is not populated as much as the Venetian and it decreases the intensity of pollution. From Pordenone (75 km) on it is a succession of centers of the Veneto plain. Conegliano (80 km), Mestre-Venezia (125 km). In the same direction of Mestre is also Treviso (105 km) and Belluno (50 km, but perhaps less polluted than others). Moving to West lies Padua (135 km) and Vicenza (130 km). Between these two also the whole industrial piedmont (100km). Further west the lights in the direction of Verona (165 km) and Cortina (15 km). Cortina also in the same direction of Brescia (195 km). It also recognizes the light pollution of the Adige valley, over which runs from Trento (110 km) Bolzano (75 km). Even in Marebbe Val Badia (30 km) and Brunico (35 km) can be identified.
must be said that the photographs are much more sensitive eye and that is probably the best weather in all of this pollution is difficult to detect even with the camera, although you could see more intense Udine Peralba despite being far from .
naked eye in the south there was a glimmer barely perceptible, and even that did not disturb the dark adaptation.
Obviously if the horizon was covered up to about 10 ° -15 °, it might seem perfect. Just walk down a few hairpin to hide it, but it is obvious that descend to 200 m does not make the darkness overhead.
In a way, that was the zenith 21.55-21.60 on the Milky Way despite the unfavorable situation that bodes well. E 'is also evident that better so it's really hard to do. You should still get away from the plain, and perhaps the high Ahr valley could be a place to explore. Of course, (as the same maps of Cinzano say) if you go west you approach allla Adige valley, which already is being felt here. If you go over to the west, the south we have the plain Lombada, Udine and Milan is not certain. Eastward moving away from the Veneto plain, but Udine begins to be felt. The same has Udine Emberger Alm 80 km and 130-160 km in the Veneto plain. We do not know where to run! The comparison with the

Perlaba can not be conclusive, dato che le condizioni meteo erano chiaramente sfavorevoli questa volta alla Tre Cime.
Una osservazione da fare è anche che Auronzo e Misurina hanno tutto sommato un effetto limitato, se localmente il clima non è fosco. L'unica cosa che ha veramente senso fare qua è far spegnere il faro del Genzianella.
Se poi, anche tutto il Veneto fosse messo a norma e non inquinasse più, il risultato sarebbe che circa metà dell'inquinamento sparirebbe, ma resterebbe quello del Trentino e quello del Friuli.
L'inquinamento luminoso è un problema globale e andrebbe regolato a livello nazionale o Europeo. Almeno se vogliamo avere da qualche parte luoghi che possano aspirare a ridiventare Bortle 1. Per ora ce li sognamo.
Spero che in weather best light pollution can be confined to a few degrees (a little 'as you can imagine the picture of Peralba) and with a little' luck could not completely undermine the airglow also in the south .. that is to say that we have at least a real Bortle 2.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

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Light pollution to surface Peralba

The sources of the Piave, at the foot of Mount Peralba, lugo in Italy are the darkest I could find so far. At the zenith of summer (and therefore with the constellation Cygnus above his head) I recorded SQM values \u200b\u200baround 21.5-21.7, respectively August 29, 2008, October 25, 2008 and July 25, 2009.
At these levels, the difference with a perfect site, as might be Namibia, is on the horizon. That little light that comes, and that Abbas few tenths of the zenith, the horizon comes.
Inspired by the great American parks monitoring , I thought about doing something similar. During the last exit on 25 July, at about 2 am I made a series of photographs along the southern horizon, then I made here in the panoramic photo above (click the photos to see details).
The photographs were exposed to ISO 1600, for 30 seconds at F3, 5, 18 mm focal length, with a Canon EOS 1000D. I processed the RAW image to a color temperature of 4600 ° K (10% less than the standard to play, as possibilie, la sensibilità spettrale scotopica, che ha il massimo a circa 500 nm, cioè il 10% in meno rispetto alla sensibilità fotopica che è 550 nm). Nella elaborazione dei RAW ho anche sfrtuttato la correzione della illuminazione al bordo (un flat sintetico) della fotocamera. Non ho sottratto Dark frames.
Il livello di esposizione è superiore alla sensibilità dell'occhio: per esempio solo la nuvoletta sopra Tolmezzo era vagamente percepibile, non le altre. Nel complesso si poteva notare il chiarore a Sud ma la foto da una impressione molto più enfatizzata di quanto si potesse percepire dal vivo. L'enfasi è voluta per evidenziare le sorgenti di inquinamento luminoso.
Nella foto, aiutandomi con le stelle di campo, I found the directions East, South and West and have also indicated the horizon (0 °) and a line height to 20 ° (where the effect of the IL is completely sold out). The Mountain SSO to get to 17 degrees altitude, to the south there is a fork in the direction Ampezzo, Cima Sappada, while at ESE is a fork with free horizon that points to the Friuli plain.
With the help of Google Earth I rebuilt the directions of the major population centers and I scored in the bottom of the picture. From East to West we order:

Pierabec, 5.5 kilometers (a few dozen souls, perhaps).
Avoltri Forni, 6.6 km, 700 inhabitants.
Tolmezzo, 33.5 km, 10,700 inhabitants.
Udine, 75 km, 99100 inhabitants (in the direction of Udine, there are also small towns in Pesarina Buia and NO in Udine).
Ampezzo, 23.5 km, 1100 inhabitants (in the direction of Ampezzo, there is also some small town in Pesarina).
Cima Sappada, 6 km (including residents in those Sappada).
Sappada, 6.5 km, 1300 inhabitants (including Cima Sappada).
Santo Stefano di Cadore, 14 km, 3000 inhabitants (in the direction of St. Stephen there's San Pietro di Cadore, 11 km, 1800 anime).
Comelico, 9 km, 4200 inhabitants (excluding Santo Stefano and San Pietro).
Padola, 11.5 km, 950 inhabitants.
San Candido and Dobbiaco, 35-38 km, a total of 6400 inhabitants. You can do some

interesting considerations. The mountains of Carnia are relatively low and little shield. It 's interesting to note that the worst pollution comes from Tolmezzo (33 km) and Udine (75 km), while in the direction of Comelico with nearly the same population of Tolmezzo, at a distance of only, 11 km pollution is much less . The mountains of Comelico are very steep, and the light from the valley can only go out on a lot inclianata direction, and does little damage. Instead, in the direction of the Friuli mountains are lower than the proportion of the sources of the Piave try to free up the horizon is 0 ° and you can see the clouds over the Friuli, lit from below (not seen, fortunately directly plains) . The direction
NO, ritratta nell'articolo del 25 luglio 2009 è quasi perfetta. Osservando attentamente si nota che l'orizzonte è leggermente inquinato da Dobbiaco e San Candido (se ci fosse solo airglow dovrebbe scurirsi sotto i 10° di altezza quando prevale l'estinzione). Ciò nonostante la direzione è molto molto buona e corrisponde ad una classe di Bortle fra 2 e 1 (airglw ben visibile). Da notare che le nuvole sono completamente nere.
La direzine Sud è un po' inquinata dalle luci di Sappada, Cima Sappada e oltre, ma le nuvole sono ancora scure.
La direzione SE è la peggiore e qua le nuvole cominciano a essere debolmente illuminate (a occhio nudo appaiono molto deboli) e questa direzione ha caratteristiche di Bortle 3.

I then processed the images obtained the contours of the intensity surface as the site of the American parks. The following figure shows the isophotes corresponding to 20, 20.5, 21, 21.5 mag arcsec square. It 'also see the Milky Way and the Shield. In a southerly direction on 21.5 is reached around 30 ° in height (but there is also the effect of the Milky Way. Westbound on 21.5 airglow is around 15 degrees altitude. The clouds above have Tolmezzo magnitude surface 20 . The isophotes of 21.0 is in some way limit the polluted area, which unfortunately coincides with the South, up to about 20 degrees altitude.
Val Visdende is in the westerly direction, The dairy Silvella towards NO and should be a really remarkable site.

It is also interesting to compare with American sites listed in the link above. Nearly all suffer from similar circumstances, with lights that also came from hundreds of km (the flat board does not provide defense) and the isophotes of magnitude sperficiale 21 which also extend over 30 ° high.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do You Feel Wet Before Your Period

magnitude of the telescope (2) Update statistics

Some time ago I wrote an article in which he explained that the extended magnitude surface of an object seen through a telescope is less than the magnitude of the surface with the naked eye. This fact, contrary to common sense, può essere facilmente dimostrato con dei semplici ragionamenti di tipo fisico e matematico, come nell'articolo citato.
Non sono solo io a dire che le cose stanno così e non sono nemmeno stato il primo. Fra chi, prima di me, ha riflettuto su questo cito Bill Ferris , Roger Clark , Mel Bartels e Nils Olof Carlin .

Sebbene la matematica e la fisica non lascino scampo, sembra però difficile accettare la realtà che le immagini al telescopio abbiano una intensità superficiale inferiore a quella ad occhio nudo. La parola "superficiale" è in grassetto non a caso, perché spesso chi obietta che le formule devono essere sbagliate, in really did not understand the concept of intensity surface and forms part of the integrated intensity. Objections such as "the moon to the naked eye and dazzle telescope no" or "M51 is seen through a telescope but not to the naked eye" should be the intent of those who object, clear evidence that there is something wrong with the formulas .

people literally believe what they see "and it is difficult to convince them that we do not see reality, but the result of a complex process of visual signal processing. The interpretation and attribution of meaning to what we "see" alters our perceptions. Colors, shapes, etc.. as it is not a transposition of what the human eye receives, but the result of an unconscious interpretation.
In this case, the impression we have of an object, or see it or not, depends on the surface inetnsità, but by contrast with the background and the apparent size. This "discovery" of the need to Richard Blackwell, who in his study " Contrast Threshold of the Human Eye " Half a century ago revealed (it's appropriate to say) as the recognition of an object depends more on the size and the apparent contrast of surface brightness. And fortunately, otherwise the telescope would be useless!

a telescope M51 is less bright to the naked eye, but much bigger to the point that the brain recognizes it, because it "believes" the information that comes from a large number of receptors (rods), whereas very few receptors to the naked eye and brain perceive it does not consider it significant.

Gia ... but ... Back objection: "dazzles the Moon through a telescope," "M42 is brighter, and so on. etc..

But is this really true? Surprisingly it is quite easy to verify that the accounts are correct. To do this simply rely on a digital camera, which does not "influence" from the processes of signal processing in the brain.

I took a photo of the Moon (click to see better) with the following settings: focal length 55 mm, F5, 6 (9.8 mm entrance pupil), ISO 100 and exposure time 1 / 60 second. It obviously has been captured in RAW. Then I photographed the image seen in the 15x70 binoculars. Of course the camera did not have the "conscience" of the fact that the new image was the binoculars, and saw the brilliance of the new image.
is not difficult to see the new image has an intensity lower surface. Just read the levels on the moon on the right and left. The relationship between the intensities of the two moons, estimated on RAW images, is about 4.4 (The Moon has a small intensity 4.4 times the Moon's surface large).

But it should be according to formula della "teoria"? Secondo la formula della "incredibile teoria" l'intensità al binocolo, senza contare le perdite di luce, dovrebbe essere il rapporto al quadrato fra la pupilla di ingresso della fotocamera (d nella formula) e la pupilla di uscita del binocolo (che è 70/15=4.66 mm). Fatto il calcolo risulta: (9.8/4.66)^2=... 4.4!!

Accidenti: la sperimentazione conferma la teoria!

E ora come si fa a sostenere che le immagini al telescopio sono più brillanti e che (una delle conseguenze) si possono vedere i colori con un diametro sufficiente?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Images Of Decks With Small Ponds


Ho aggiornato il grafico relativo alla statistica del buio a Casera Razzo. Seems to notice a trend: the spring and summer months (from February to August) are on average the darkest of winter months (October to December).

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Giro Fuse Helmet Ipod

Starmap Pro: field test!

10, 11 and 12 June I did a more thorough test of Starmap Pro . Place of trial: the field behind my house (waiting for the dark sky).
But first things first.

1) The preparation of the list. I made the list by looking at the Sky Atlas and choosing some objects. If you have NGC or IC using the search function in the internal catalog, or using the search function on the network that operates in the SIMBAD catalog and adding them to the list of favorites. Sometimes I gave look at the photos on SIMBAD. In the picture (click to enlarge) you see in Sky Atlas vdB126 and watch list (imported from SIMBAD). You can add any thing in the picture you see other exotic objects such Sh2-64, SN 1671, PN Na 1 exc. Just knowing the identity and the search function in Internet download all data, including the location of the object, which in effect becomes an object of Starmap Pro
This is the list made for the occasion:

NGC6229 , a globular cluster in Hercules from the parts of M92, but much smaller.
NGC5446, a galaxy in Bootes (just to see how it feels under a sky of the plains).
NGC5375, a galaxy in CNV.
M3 (at least a globular star show) a little 'hard to tracing.
NGC4565, galaxy in Coma Berenices cutting.
M63, the galaxy "sunflower" in CNV.
M94, another galaxy of 8.2 mv in CNV.
M99, the galaxy that I remember seeing the three spirals CR, mv 9.8.
M5, in other globle Snake.
M12 and M10 in Ophiuchus globular.
NGC6309 (Box Nebula), planetary in Ophiuchus.
NGC6572, another planet in Ophiuchus.
IC4565, open cluster in Ophiuchus.
NGC6426, a globular cluster in Ophiuchus 11.2 mv.

and then I decided to switch to more exotic things:

PN VV 171 (PK 038 +12.1), a 12th planet in Ophiuchus.
SN 1671, in Supernova Remnant Cefeo (questa mi è scappata, non volevo osservare in Cefeo).
Sh2-64, nebulosa a emissione fra Ofiuco e Scudo.
vdB 126, stella con nebulosa (quella in foto, cliccare per ingrandire).

e poi sono ritornato a oggetti più "normali":

NGC6823, ammasso aperto in Volpetta.
NGC6813, nebulosa in Volpetta.
NGC6834, ammasso aperto in Cigno.
NGC6842, planetaria in Volpetta.

Facendo la lista si ha l'impressione di avere tutto a portata di mano, tanto è facile inserire qualsiasi oggetto e importarlo. Bn presto ci si rende conto che è meglio fermarsi, perchè la lista è fin troppo lunga.

2) Sul campo ho voluto provare to target an object with the traditional system (enhanced map finder). Suffering .... should be around here ... a bit 'more about ... stelleina that there is but you should see this ..

3) Forget it. first object NGC 6229. The software offers a departure from beta Draconis. The aim beta draconis in a moment. It switches to the finder and you see the field around a beta. Wow is the same as in the finder vero.Il course shows a line drawn from beta and will end on 6229. Damn this is not in
seeker. Patience ... follow the stars along the line and hop hop hop ... the line ends. Just put the field stars as they appear in the thing. It goes to the eyepiece and BANG! E' là.

4) Trovare le planetarie con aspetto stellare è un gioco da ragazzi.Volendo si
fa star hopping anche all'oculare. Ho inserito in lista anche cose elusive: galsssiette che non si vedevano ma si riconoscevano i campi stellari.

5) Avendo l'attrezzo finisce che si prede appunti. Click e compare oggetto,
altezza, azimut ora e si è pronti con le note. Ovviamente si finisce per perdere un sacco di tempo a prendere note.

Ecco le mie note, nelle due sere:


22.23 NGC6229 Alt 66.17° Az 72.51° Granuloso 172x SQM 18.20 260x Nucleo con alone vagamente granuloso.
22.39 mv 4.8 (52 Her) Alt 68-09° Az 77.33 ° 52.40 °
22:52 NGC5446 Alt Az 201.56 is practically invisible. 23:23
mv 4.9 (Stable) Az Alt 78.30 ° 102.56 °
23:38 NGC5375 Alt Az 63.38 241.38 Vaga 86x
23:45 M3 Alt 59.40 ° Az 247.12 · Fixed 170x 260X (best) 360X.
00:05 M12 Az Alt 41.84 ° 167.50 ° star brightest resolved. Alone diaphanous. 172x best. 18.64 SQM. 00:25
NGC6572 Alt 45.60 ° 142.76 ° Small Az 260X 360X NNW elongated elliptical.
00:32 IC4665 Az Alt 47.55 ° 154.42 ° a few scattered stars 86x. 00:53 BSI
126 ° 52.38 Alt Az 114.62 only the star is visible. 12/06/2009 22:56

mv 4.7 (6U-Her) Az Alt 80.58 ° 81.94 ° 18.66 SQM.
23.09 NGC6229 Az Alt 75.43 ° 74.46 ° 260X granular core alone. 23:19
NGC4565 Alt Az 256.25 49.88 ° is visible elongated NE 172x 86x LPS filter useless.
23:34 M63 Sunflower Galaxy Az Alt 62.76 ° 276.32 ° core, faint elongated halo.
23:40 M94 Az Alt 57.05 ° 278.92 ° bright core and two concentric halos 130x. 23:53
Box Nebula Az Alt 29.59 ° 160.83 130x LPS filter is visible. 23:56
mv 4.9 (Stable) Az Alt 84.53 ° 129.46 ° 19.75 SQM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chemical Names Of Degreasing Chemicals

StarmapPro for iPhone and iPod touch

I learned of this application for iPhone and iPod touch a week ago. The Pro version of the video was so convincingly, that within a week I bought an iPod touch and the Pro version

Starmap Pro combines the functions of a planetarium, with over 2.5 million stars and the entire NGC and IC catalogs, and Assistant to the observations. In my opinion, has almost nothing in less than desktop applications where the cost is higher than the total cost of software and iPod touch. But there is no small advantage: it's all in the palm of your hand. It's not just the fact that there are more leads on the field computer (with the battery-that frost could also ruin-, table, chairs), or the three volumes of Uranometria, or Sky Atlas, which is so wide open we do not know where to place it. Already these advantages alone are worth the purchase, but there are others.

Last night I tried it at home with a horrible sky. Here are my impressions.

object fits in the palm of your hand. It has the ability to define fields of view finder and different for each telescope eyepieces. Looking at the "thing" you see what you would see in the finder, and while this is the eyepiece of the finder (or telescope). Not to mention the possibility of having the Telrad circles overlap.

born a new way of doing starhopping. Traditionally starhopping you this: you look to the naked eye a path of stars that come close to the object and try to identify the point in the sky where is the object. You point there, perhaps with the help of the circles of the Telrad. It pounta that an empty space at a precise position relative to the stars around. Then you look in the finder and, if the object is not visible, try to put the crosshair in the right place with the help of the stars visible in the field. At this point, very often you have to leave the telescope back to the table where is the computer, save the stars around the object (which often have a completely different scale, orientation and intensity), back to the finder, try to recognize the field of stars and point. It is not unusual that needs to be done fro 2:00 to 3:00.

With the "thing" style changes. You look a star visible to naked eye and is close to the object point. You place that is a point where we see something. Then, with the thing in hand to the eyepiece, you look at the simulated star field around the star (see the first figure) and he is recognized immediately in the field of the finder. At this point you navigate with the finder of star in star, helped by the fact that the cross-roads and the fields are oriented right, follow the navigation in the "thing" and voila, that's got it right. The style is different because instead of making the path to the naked eye and point the direction of the object, you point a star becomes visible and the path to the seeker. The difference is enormous.

You can then take notes (as in figure below). Time and date are automatic. By the way, is also very easy to determine the limit mv (you try and you click the little star in the thing).

Here are my notes from last night (the hole between 00:45 and 01:39 is due to clouds): 06/07/2009 00:44

NGC 6210, 360X, elongated EW, nucleus with feathered edge, UHC 260X less. 06/07/2009 00:45 17.97 SQM
mv 4.3 (at 60 degrees altitude). 06/07/2009 01:39
mv 4.8 (zenith) 18.03 SQM. 06/07/2009 01:50 M92
resolved 86x 172x 260X, pinpoint stars at 172x.

Addendum 09/06/2009

There are two features that deserve to be remembered in especially:

1) Importing objects from SIMBAD database. Starmap has a function "web search". You insert the identifier of an object (eg PK 080-06.1) and the system accesses the database SIMBAD creating a new object (in this example Cygnus Egg) with related data and location. The object can then be found with the usual methods. In practice, you can build a customized list by selecting between 4 and a half million objects in the database. A convenient way to plan the observations is to take the identifiers at the table at home, or by starting from Uranometria Sky Atlas. Using the browser at home you can also see pictures of the object you will see (If you want you can do with Safari from the iPhone, as long as there is coverage).

2) The "path finder" draw a line of junction between the star most appropriate next to the object and the object itself. This line is visible even in simulation mode of the finder or telescope. In practice it's a kind of guide that provides direction to find the object starting from the star. It 's really useful, a TOM TOM sky. You place the star and follow the line to the object.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Tight Should My Motorcycle Brake Calipers Be?

Following in the footsteps of Lacaille

Namibia 20/26 April 2009, Part

Question: what is the largest galaxy visible in the sky cut? You would think ... NGC 253? Or NGC 4565? Wrong, it is quite simply ... the Milky Way!

And 'This is the main impression that you are viewing the sky from the southern hemisphere: the Milky Way is no longer a simple strip of light but becomes a galaxy in all respects. With the swelling of the nucleus reaches the zenith, it seems to have the copy in the giant NGC 4565, which occupies the entire sky, in a charming scene from science fiction movies!

But first things first. In astronomy which celebrates Galileo, a group of five amateurs, including three from Friuli, a Piedmontese and Padua (myself), decided to celebrate in some way going over the leg of another important astronomer, Nicolas Lacaille. He was the first European to study in detail the Sky South Africa in 1700, and again today for all five of us this was the first time below the equator.

The destination was the Guest- Namibia Farm in Tivoli, located 140 km as the crow flies southeast of the capital Windhoek, a specially equipped place for lovers of the sky because it provides a great deal to hire and variety of tools that would otherwise be impossible to transport by air. For visual observations we used both Dobson, 25 and 50 cm opening!

The weather was all in all favorable, considering that this was not the best season yet and is somewhat 'more difficult to achieve perfect conditions encountered between June and August, the first night was calm but there was a slight haze on the horizon was that blur the Milky Way at around 10 ° and the Magellanic Clouds made invisible when it came to the minimum height (from 23 ° S latitude are circumpolar, but when they touch the horizon in lower culmination).

Then came a slight flick of the tail of the rainy season: the second night, the sky is overcast and we went to bed early disconsolate, but fortunately after midnight one of us was still awake (guess who ...) and had the bright idea to look out and see that the sky had opened, so he (or rather, I) woke up the others and all we could take advantage of the second part of the night until dawn. Which by the way was spectacular because the crescent moon was "a boat" in trio with Venus and Mars, and further down the clouds like those seen in documentaries of the savannah, complete with strings of light rain that evaporates before touching the ground!

Here is the picture:

the third night is even arrivato un temporale, ma anche in quel caso il cielo si è discretamente aperto a mezzanotte. Al quarto giorno altro temporale nel pomeriggio e poi cielo sgombro subito dal tramonto, ma questa volta è stata l’umidità pazzesca, dovuta ai postumi della pioggia, a rendere difficoltose le osservazioni, e verso le ore 2 anche l’asciugacapelli si è arreso e abbiamo deciso di smettere.

Le ultime tre notti finalmente sono tornate nelle condizioni ideali, e anche la trasparenza era migliorata perché rispetto alla prima sera la Via Lattea si avvicinava di più all’orizzonte, le Nubi di Magellano rimanevano sempre visibili per tutta la notte e vedevamo stelle di terza magnitudine alte 1°!

The seeing was disappointing: only the first part of the first night was fantastic and we saw a wonderful Saturn, but toward morning, when Jupiter was rising and the Moon, has come a worthy turbulence of the most disgusting evenings Padua. It was a sign of instability in atmospheric arrival.

Even in the days following the departure of the clouds but there were several changes in wind direction that made the situation unstable and therefore the seeing has never really returned to the top. Evidently there is also the rule of inverse correlation between turbulence and extinction! Have been few moments in which they exploited well 500X sulle nebulose planetarie, e sono sicuro che non fosse colpa dello specchio caldo perché se le stelle apparivano come pallettoni di polistirolo, lo rimanevano anche a fine nottata.

Io spero solo di aver trovato una settimana sfortunata su questo fronte, perché l’altopiano della Namibia dovrebbe avere le carte in regola per dare mediamente molto di più. In ogni caso il seeing è molto difficile da valutare e soprattutto da raccontare, e non potremo fare confronti precisi tra siti e serate diverse finché non inventeranno uno strumento semplice, veloce e oggettivo per misurarlo, come fortunatamente fa l’SQM per il livello di buio.

Arriviamo dunque al punto più interessante della faccenda: la qualità del cielo. E anche qui le sorprese non sono mancate. Ovviamente l’inquinamento luminoso è assente, e così finalmente ho potuto capire com’è fatto un cielo incontaminato e che effetto hanno i soli elementi di luce naturale.

Alla sera si vedeva la luce zodiacale, bassa in Toro e Gemelli, che si incrociava con la Via Lattea, mentre verso mattina era più imponente perché l’eclittica nell’Acquario era perpendicolare all’orizzonte.

Appariva più o meno come in questa foto:


not end there because there was balance between Spica and the Gegenschein, and the best nights (below describe the changes and issues) you could see the zodiacal light along the ecliptic too! It was clear that the range of Leo and Virgo were clearer than in the parts of Hydra, top, and Pastor / Chioma, below.

Then there's the airglow, as expected, becomes brighter as it approaches the horizon as you look through a thicker layer of atmosphere and then there is a greater number of air molecules emit luminescence. This is, however, up to about 5 ° high, because at that point is the extinction to prevail and the speech is reversed, with the band from 5 ° to 0 ° appearing darker. It 'so good to know that even a pristine sky has different gradients of light. All Natural!

But apart from the effect damn nice to have the dark horizon in 99% of the directions (I say 99 because NW is a small speck of Windhoek. It 'is insignificant and not sufficient to generate pollution, however, note) I have not found, fortunately, other differences compared to our abysmal skies of the mountains, as had been heralded by all those who had gone into the desert before. This probably because they were not used to the skies of 21.6 like me.

The real difference between the sky of Namibia and our best sites is therefore not the darkness itself, but is due to the constellations! In fact, the northern sky, with poor Leone as a dead fish floating upside down, there appeared insignificant in comparison to the uproar of stuff that you could see the other side: the area that includes the constellation of Hull, Cross, Centaurus Wolf and Scorpion there is a high concentration of bright stars, so that only the area of \u200b\u200bOrion and Taurus can compete. Ma le costellazioni di prima, oltre a essere molto luminose, sono anche sovrapposte alla meravigliosa e brillantissima Via Lattea australe, che è indubbiamente migliore di quella boreale non solo perché c’è il rigonfiamento del nucleo (che ha uno spessore di oltre 50°!), ma anche perché presenta contrasti molto forti tra nubi chiare e nubi oscure. La Via Lattea “nostra” invece è più diafana e sbiadita: del ramo invernale non ne pariamo neppure, ma perfino il Cigno è stato bastonato dal Centauro, quando verso mattina si vedevano entrambi alla stessa altezza agli antipodi del cielo.

E, come se non bastasse, a completare il quadretto del sud si aggiungono pure le Nubi di Magellano! Prima I read that leaving the amateur Australian experience a sensation of "empty sky" if they go in the northern hemisphere, and now I understand perfectly what they mean.

a monster catching graphics Starry Night, that reproduces in the best possible way (unfortunately I do not know a way to put BN in the Milky Way, leaving the colored stars) the naked eye in the sky which is visible from the latitude to April shortly after midnight.

But back to talk about SQM. Given that you could not use the second part of the night when he went to the Sagittarius zenith, the readings also made away from the Milky Way were a bit 'lower expectations. I thought hard to find 21.9, as I knew to be a pure sky, but we had mean values \u200b\u200baround 21.7. At first not well understood why, because if a non-polluted sky is not entirely clear, in case it should be darker than a perfect and clear. Then we realized that the "fault" was the Milky Way, whose light is diffused in the rest of the air from the atmosphere, just like it does with the Sun and the Moon!

And the humidity level determines the amount of this distribution: the night was the sixth best on Saturday, 25 where we finally reached the fateful 21.9. Even then, however, the maximum darkness lasted only a couple of hours (from 21 to 23), because as he got up Scorpio readings goes down slightly, despite continued to point the instrument to always Hydra / Virgin. This fact confirms the theory.

Needless to say, the brightness of the Milky Way has an effect on the ground: do not even need to adapt to total darkness in order to distinguish good people, telescopes, accessories on the table and walk in the path (made of dark sand, high-contrast with the grass that is clear) without a battery. The torch was necessary only in the apartments, where there are trees.

I also checked the visibility of the shadow of the Milky Way, putting a hand in front of a white sheet, and towards morning the same conversation with Venus. In the first case of course the shadow had faded in the second net.

The darkness comes true if the sky is covered: the third night, as we were finishing up the cover with the Dobson giant tarpaulin to protect them from the imminent storm, came a black cloud of fear, I measured and came out 22.85! There really was almost like being in a dark room and you could not see almost nothing, I did hardly any impression that scene the night sky!

remember, however, also Casera Razzo, when last summer we found a couple of evenings very unfortunate, the clouds were darker than the clear sky, though did not reach the same levels of darkness (22.0), but this fact is always incredible to those accustomed only to polluted skies.

C ol the peaceful little I have said that the difference is even more subtle, and the best nights of the best sites yet Italians fail to ra com pete with the conditions of Namibia, more As one might expect. And this is a very encouraging news. Said other words, even without pollution light is not obvious to find the perfect conditions, for up to 21.5 in artificial light is no longer the main factor that determines the quality of the air but are the natural ones to "control".

final word on the instruments: I liked very much! The fluidity of movement is perfect, the seekers are comfortable and even the optics seem very good. The course is equipped with 50 cm wide and 25 has a chair with adjustable height. early mirrors were very dusty but the owner gave us the distilled water to wash them. The collimation is easily done, just bring home the laser or Cheshire.

In the next describe in detail the episodes that I observed celestial objects, they are more than 450 even if there is a "trick" because thirty are in the small cloud and about 120 in the large!

close with a small photo gallery . I should point out that no picture is mine (I did not need to take away the camera and I had 11 kg of hand luggage!), It's all about their colleagues and when they have completed the development work will also release the astronomical photos and those already submitted on this page with higher resolution.